Screen Axis Expressions

Screen Axis Expressions can be used to perform arithmetic on values outputted from ScreenPositionAxis objects and sent to a property of a defined screen.


Creating expressions

To create an expression:

  • Select the + button within the Expressions section of the PositionReceiver editor, type the name of the new object into the text field, and hit Enter.

    This will open the Expressions editor.

Expressions properties

Expression editor is used to perform arithmetic on values outputted from ScreenPositionAxis objects to a property of a defined screen


These are the arithmetic expressions performed on the defined axes. The ScreenPositionAxis objects are defined by their name. For example,


Where ledscreenx and ledscreeny are ScreenPositionAxis objects.


The screen you want to move and rotate. You should leave the property field of the object blank if you want to use the output of the expression rather than the axis.

Min input 

The minimum input value that will be received from the ScreenPositionAxis objects.

Max input 

The maximum input value that will be received from the ScreenPositionAxis objects.

Min output 

The minimum output value of the defined property.

Max output 

The maximum output value of the defined property.


The current output value.