Perspective mapping

Perspective mapping is similar to Parallel mapping, except that the content originates at an emitter point and gets larger in size as you go further away from the emitter, similar to a real projector. You can use Perspective mapping to make 2D content appear as 3D (not stereoscopic but rather as a 3D effect), but only from a specific point of view which is the same point as the position of the emitter.

Perspective mapping can map 3D content onto a surface from a specified vantage point of a virtual camera. This camera can be linked to a virtual camera in a generative software such as Notch to create an immersive 3D environment. The content being displayed by the mapping will begin emitting at the vantage point and get larger as that surfaces moves farther from it, similar to a real projector.

Perspective mapping type being used to project content onto three Screens, notice the content becomes larger as the Screens move further away from the emitter point