
The PixelMap layer allows for a pixelmap input to be used to create a pixelating effect. The pixel map can be created from an external program, for example Photoshop, allowing you to create and customise your own pixel maps.

Common layer properties
PixelMap layer properties

The Pixelmap Effect layer is used to create a pixelating effect that is based on the input of a pixelmap . The pixelmap determines the tile atlas for the max value of each pixelated pixel which is fixed to a 16 x 16 grid.

pixel atlas

tile atlas

All Effect layers take their source from other layer types - either content or generative - by use of an arrow. Linking two layers with an arrow defines the arrowed from layer as the source, and the arrowed to layer as the destination. If you have an arrow between a content layer and effect layer, it is said that the content layer is being 'piped in' to the effect layer. For more information on arrows, see the compositing layers topic.

To draw an arrow between two layers, hold down ALT and left click & drag between the source and destination layer.

The PixelMap layer supports the use of Arrows, allowing content layers to be piped into the PixelMap layer. For more information please see the sub-chapter Composing layers using Arrows.