Controlling layers with OSC 

To control a numerical OSC parameter in a layer, create an expression:

  • Right-click a parameter and type in the following syntax:


Tips for Setting up OSC

Base Address: check the base address in Disguise software matches the OSC path from the OSC sender/application.

Tip 1: The base address syntax within Disguise software omits the layer name but this should be included in the OSC path from the OSC sender/application.

Syntax : /d3/layer/[layer_name]/[layer_property], e.g. /d3/layer/show_intro/video

Companion: configure a 'GenericOscSender' and 'Send String'.

Tip 2: The base address in disguise defaults to the original layer name. After patching the layer, the layer can be renamed.


For example,  if you wish to control the brightness of a video layer type in:


The corresponding syntax for the brightness slider in TouchOSC is: 




To enable OSC control, first make sure to set up the OSC input in Disguise software as described in the OSC Devices sub-chapter.