
Notch is a generative content creation platform that integrates with Disguise software.

Notch layer properties

The Notch layer allows users to use Notch Blocks exported from Notch Builder.

Notch content creation should be approached from a similar standpoint to that of rendered content, whereby the user specifies as much in advance as possible and test the content on a real world system before show time to reduce the likelihood of performance related issues.

Warning: Extremely demanding Notch blocks can cause an oversubscription of available memory resources - click here for full advisory.

Some Generative layers take their source from other layer types - either content or generative - by use of an arrow. Linking two layers with an arrow defines the arrowed from layer as the source, and the arrowed to layer as the destination. If you have an arrow between a content layer and effect layer, it is said that the content layer is being 'piped in' to the effect layer. For more information on arrows, see the compositing layers topic.

To draw an arrow between two layers, hold down ALT and left click & drag between the source and destination layer.

On the Notch layer, you can specify which source the layer is using (either texture or an arrowed layer) by using the Video Loader parameter. The Video parameter of the layer will show a thumbnail of either the texture chosen, or the content coming from the arrowed layer (depending on the selection made)

The Notch layer is specifically for playing back Notch blocks. Depending on your application and production needs, there are a number of workflows you can employ in order to integrate Notch effects into Disguise software. Below are a few recommended workflows for their respective applications. Bear in mind that these are stripped to the bare minimum elements for simplicity, and users are required to have a valid Notch Builder software with export capabilities in order to follow along.

For more information on Notch Builder, see here.

Notch layers are comprised of a set of default properties (detailed here) and additional properties that appear depending on what is actually in the Notch block. For explanation of properties beyond the default, please refer to your Notch content creator.