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OSC syntax library

This section lists the objects in Designer that can be controlled by OSC. Furthermore, it outlines the message strings and arguments required to control each object with OSC.

Input messages

From a device broadcasting OSC, messages can be sent using the following addresses and arguments to control Designer


Sets the playhead to play.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/play

Argument: responds to a message with no arguments, a float with a value of 1.0, or any other data.

Play to end of section

Sets the playhead to play to end of section.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/playsection

Argument: responds to a message with no arguments, a float with a value of 1.0, or any other data.

Loop section

Sets the playhead to play and loop section.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/loop

Argument: responds to a message with no arguments, a float with a value of 1.0, or any other data.


Sets the current track to stop.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/stop

Argument: responds to a message with no arguments, a float with a value of 1.0, or any other data.

Previous section

Sets the playhead to jump to the previous section.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/previoussection

Argument: responds to a message with no arguments, a float with a value of 1.0, or any other data.

Next section

Sets the playhead to jump to the next section.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/nextsection

Argument: responds to a message with no arguments, a float with a value of 1.0, or any other data.

Return to start

Sets the playhead to return to the first bar of the current track.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/returntostart

Argument: responds to a message with no arguments, a float with a value of 1.0, or any other data.

Previous track

Sets the playhead to jump to the previous track.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/previoustrack

Argument: responds to a message with no arguments, a float with a value of 1.0, or any other data.

Next track

Sets the playhead to jump to the next track.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/nexttrack

Argument: responds to a message with no arguments, a float with a value of 1.0, or any other data.


Sets the playhead to jump to a specified cue.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/cue

Argument: responds to a message with a float between 0.0 and 1.0, or integer values.

For further information see the Triggering Cues with OSC page.

Float cue

The float cue is a special derivative of the cue. It is designed to receive floats from programs that cannot send multiple arguments.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/floatcue

when using the float cue the cues should be padded out to the hundredths place (IE: 1.1 should be 1.10)

For further information see the Triggering Cues with OSC page.

Cue play mode

Sets the playback mode when a specified cue is triggered.

The following options are available:

  • no change

  • stop

  • play

  • play to end of section

  • loop section

Fade up

Sets the master brightness to fade up.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/fadeup

Argument: responds to a message with no arguments, a float with a value of 1.0, or any other data.

Fade down

Sets the master brightness to fade down.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/fadedown

Argument: responds to a message with no arguments, a float with a value of 1.0, or any other data.


Sets the master volume.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/volume

Argument: responds to a message with a float between 0.0 and 1.0.


Sets the master brightness.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/brightness

Argument: responds to a message with a float between 0.0 and 1.0.

Output messages

d3 broadcasts OSC messages using the following strings and arguments to an OSC device.


Sends an on/off heartbeat signal for every frame.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/heartbeat

Argument: sends a message with a float between 0.0 and 1.0.

Track position

Sends a string which contains the current track timecode.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/trackposition

Track name

Sends a string which contains the current track name.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/trackname

Current section name

Sends a string which contains the current section name.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/currentsectionname

Next section name

Sends a string which contains the next section name.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/nextsectionname

Section Hint

Address /d3/showcontrol/sectionhint

Outputs the current section cue tag, note, and time ellapsed as well as the upcoming sections cue tag, note, and time remaining until that section.


Sends a string which represents the master volume.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/volume

Argument: sends a message with a float between 0.0 and 1.0.


Sends a string which represents the master brightness.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/brightness

Argument: sends a message with a float between 0.0 and 1.0.


Sends a string which represents the current track BPM.

Address: /d3/showcontrol/bpm

Argument: sends an integer value.

Feedback mode

Changes how sends output messages.

  • Send changes only: Sends output messages only when values change (heartbeat still sends every frame). Please note, this mode may behave unreliably if on a wireless network.

  • Always send - Sends all output messages every frame. Please note, this mode is reliable but at the expense of a small increase in network traffic.

  • Never send - Send no output messages