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Porta Newsroom Integration via MOS Gateway

From Porta 2.1, the News Room Computer Systems (NRCS) integration through MOS enables more dynamic and simplified broadcast show control, while unlocking more agile collaboration across departments.

NRCS allows:

  • Rundown management
  • Customisable running order for content
  • Playout control
  • Computer assisted machine control
  • Indexing of incoming news stories and wires

MOS Gateway retains all loaded playlists, playlist and event status information. It can also distribute commands, update status, event changes and messages.

Real-time changes can be made and synced live with Porta.

Newsroom Computer System (NRCS) Integration via MOS Gateway

See how it works

Newsroom Computer System (NRCS) Demo Newsroom Computer System (NRCS) with MOS Gateway Demo Video