Mesh Mapping
Mesh mapping enables you to project 3D content onto the entirety of one or more screens, automatically adjusting to the extent of the surfaces it targets. It can be very useful for mapping 3D content onto large projection installations, or rendering out-of-frustum content for VP/xR shoots.
Mesh mapping is similar to a Perspective mapping, in that it projects content onto the screens from an eyepoint, and sends the projection viewpoint to 3D content engines so that the rendered content matches the viewpoint frustum.
The main differences between mesh and perspective mappings are:
- The mesh mapping viewpoint frustum is automatically calculated to tightly bound the extent of the screen, whereas the perspective mapping frustum properties (rotation, field of view etc.) must be set manually.
- When using RenderStream, mesh mapping applies the projection to the screen on the render node, then transports the image in UV space. This is more efficient as it avoids transporting pixels which will be lost in the projection. Perspective mapping transports the rendered image, then projects into UV space on the receiving machine.
See how it works
Mesh mappings are created like any other mapping type, from within a layer’s Mapping field. Screens should then be added and other properties configured in the mapping editor.
Mesh mapping editor
Properties which are specific to mesh mapping include:
Eyepoint: The point from which the 3D content is rendered and mapped to the screens. This is the point in the world from which the perspective of the 3D content will look correct.
Scene origin: This can be used to offset the origin of the 3D content from the Designer coordinate space, to modify the alignment of the scene relative to the screens.
Roll rate limit: It is possible to add the mesh mapping to a parent object such as a camera, so that the eye point follows that camera (see below). Following a tracked camera can cause sudden jumps in the roll of the frustum, which can result in artifacts in the rendered content. Roll rate limit avoids these jumps by limiting how quickly the roll of the frustum can change.
Mapping resolution scale: Mesh mapping creates a separate viewpoint for each screen, therefore it doesn’t have a single canvas with fixed resolution like other mappings. The resolution that the content is rendered and projected at for a given screen is equal to the screen’s resolution, multiplied by the mapping resolution scale.
Render resolution scale: When using mesh mapping with RenderStream, the render engine first renders a view of the scene at resolution A. This view is then projected onto the screen and transported over the network in UV-space, at resolution B. Occasionally helpful for screens with complicated UV maps, render resolution scale can be set to adjust the render resolution A relative to the mapping resolution B, so that:
- Resolution B is equal to the screen resolution multiplied by the Mapping resolution scale, as described above.
- Resolution A is equal to resolution B multiplied by the Render resolution scale.
When the mesh mapping editor is open, the viewpoint frustum(s) are drawn in the stage, which can be helpful for understanding how the content is projected.
Mesh mapping frustum
RenderStream workflows
Mesh mapping can be very helpful for 3D content workflows using RenderStream. As described above, mesh mapping projects content onto screens on the render node side, avoiding sending pixels over the network which will subsequently be discarded. It also automatically creates a viewpoint frustum which tightly bounds the screen, maximising the efficiency of each rendered pixel.
RenderStream allows rendering of large canvases to be clustered across multiple render nodes (see RenderStream overview). Mesh mapping supports this workflow, generating a separate viewpoint frustum for each screen fragment, and combining the resulting renders together to give a single continuous view of the 3D scene. Padding and overlap can be used as normal to blend between the fragments.
Clustered rendering also allows mesh mapping to be used for screens which wrap around the eye point with a field of view over 180 degrees. Since a separate viewpoint is generated for each fragment, the mapping will look correct as long as each individual viewpoint has a field of view less than 180 degrees.
Mesh mapping with multiple fragments
RenderStream clustering can also be used to render in-frustum and out-of-frustum content simultaneously. To use a mesh mapping within a Cluster Workload for an in-frustum and out-frustum setup:
- Set up a single channel within your Cluster Workload that is targeting MR set (backplate)
- Create another channel that targets a mesh mapping. For a pool size of 2, this will generate 2 streams for the mesh when it is started.
- Be sure to use the same scene origin object in both so that they have the same reference point.
- Start the workload. You will see 3 total streams across the network as it receives the renders for both in-frustum and out-frustum.
Following a camera
It is possible to set up a mesh mapping so that the eye point follows the position of a camera. This gives a mapping which adapts to the perspective of the camera like a Spatial or Camera Plate backplate mapping, but fills the whole screen rather than just the camera frustum.
To set up a mesh mapping to follow a camera in an MR set:
- Create an MR set, and add screens and a camera
- Create a mesh mapping, and add the MR set to the list of screens. The mesh mapping will then automatically target the screens in the MR set.
- The Follow camera field will appear in the mesh mapping editor. Tick this to make the eye point follow the camera position.
- Alternatively, similar behaviour can be achieved by adding a camera to the list of screens in the mesh mapping, or by parenting the mesh mapping to any other object.
Mesh mapping following a camera
As the eye point moves around, the mesh mapping frustum can suddenly jump as it finds a more efficient way to bound the screen. This can cause blurriness or other artifacts in the rendered content. To compensate this, set the Roll rate limit to reduce the speed at which the frustum is allowed to roll.
Moving the mesh mapping eyepoint can also result in sudden changes in focal length, which can cause blurriness if depth of field effects are enabled in the render engine (e.g. Unreal). Depth of field should not be enabled on cameras when using them for a mesh mapping. Click here for instructions on how to do this in Unreal Engine.