OscControl Layer
The OscControl layer is a tool for sending custom commands to 3rd party products via Open Sound Control (OSC).
The layer allows for the definition of custom commands that can be sequenced on the timeline to perform functions at certain times. The custom commands are OSC messages defined by a fixed OSC address and any amount of OSC arguments (Integer, Float, String, Blob).
The selected command to be executed at this point on the timeline.
Variable 1-4
The variable to be passed into the command, if the command syntax contains the use of variables. The values can be sequenced on the timeline. Use Auto Resend to control when values are sent.
Auto resend
When set to ‘On’ the command will be executed everytime the variable changes, as well as on normal command issuing.
OSC Device
The protocol device through which the command should be issued, either a Serial device, Telnet or UDP device.
Command Syntax
Commands are made up of an OSC address and any number of OSC arguments. The arguments have a type (Integer, Float, String or Blob) and a string value.
The string value of Integer and Float arguments can contain a variable set in the Control Layer, which is a timelined event, or a fixed numerical value.
The string value of a Blob argument should be in hex.