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Porta 2.2

Released: September 13th 2023

New Features

  • Native compatibility with Unreal 5.3: Customers will be able to use Unreal Motion Graphics BETA and start creating any kind of graphics (AR, CG,) in one platform. The enables users to take advantage or the new production tools available in Unreal Engine.

  • Improved integration with Designer. This gives users deeper D3 control. This means that you can create templates to control renderstream, calibration, timeline controls and other d3 APIs.

  • Remote scheduler is a workflow for transferring, scheduling and playing out media content from Porta to Designer. This is the first iteration of an ongoing improvement.


New macros UI “Workflow Widget”,iits out macro language were you can create tasks and assign them to keyboard shortcuts to automate functions tied to keyboard shortcuts and streamdecks.

  • XML/Google drive integration.
  • Additions to Template Builder:
  • Template color.
  • Duration settings.
  • Improved channel monitoring.
  • Channel grouping.
  • Live Link for Unreal Data.