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Archive Used Objects

Archive unused objects is a tool to remove extraneous, unused files from a project. Similar to Manage Old Media, this feature refers to objects such as video files, meshes, textures and audio files. This can be useful in the case of low available storage on a machine, or simply making a project more organized.

Accessing ‘Archive Used Objects’

  1. Right-click the d3 state menu in the dashboard.
  2. Left click Project settings.

Archive unused objects option.

Archive unused objects option.

Using ‘Archive Used Objects’

Left-click Prepare to Archive unused objects.

Clicking Prepare to Archive unused objects will present a pop-up estimating how much free space will be gained.

If you proceed, Designer will generate a new folder within the output folder of your project called “Archiver; this folder contains two text files and two scripts.

The text files (Used and Unused) will create a list of the used and unused files found in the project.

The scripts will automate the process of either moving the unused media to the archiver folder or copying to a folder you’re prompted to specify.