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  • Here you can create / open / rename / duplicate / delete any Scene.
  • You can change the display of all Scenes from Grid to List.
  • You can sort them alphabetically / most recently used / by creation date.

Mapping Matter Mapping Matter

Base Units of Measurement

You first need to open a Scene. And then just navigate to :

TOP MENU > File > Project Settings…

Base units Base units

Import a 3D Asset

We support .FBX(binary) very well, while .OBJ and .DAE work just fine. The maximum asset size is 100MB; you can load bigger assets but only locally.

Here’s an article about pre-import 3D Asset Optimization.

Import a 3D Asset into your Scene

TOP MENU : File > Import 3D mesh Objects

This will give you access to the 3D Assets Library.

Double-click on any file to import it in your Scene.

The first time you import an asset into you Scene, the Import Settings window will pop-up.

Import 3D yellow shadow Import 3D yellow shadow

Original File Units = the unit of measurement your 3D mesh was exported in.

Z up = map the imported asset’s Y axis to the Scene’s Z axis. This basically rotate your asset 90° on the X axis. This option is available because some 3D softwares export meshes with the Y up.

POV = Point Of View = change the camera perspective.

Edit the Properties of an imported 3D mesh Object

The editing parameters available will depend on how the the asset was exported (format, software, etc).

  1. Select your Object, go to its Properties. Properties icon
  2. Next, navigate to the Reference panel.
  3. If you have a 3D asset built with different sub-Object meshes, you can edit each of them individually by enabling the Edit Reference mode.

Import 3D reference meshes

You cannot move / rotate / delete any sub-Object mesh individually, you’ll have to import them already all set.

However, you can rename / hide them, and also edit their individual material.

If your mesh had UVs set pre-import, you can re-apply its Texture as a Base Map.

Move around the Viewport

The Viewport represents the whole visible area in which your Scene is displayed.

Viewport Overview Viewport Overview


Hold left-click and drag to slide.

Pan Pan


Hold right-click and drag to orbit your cursor. (On Mac: use two fingers while pressing on your touchpad.)

Orbit Orbit

Zoom-in & out

  • Using your scroll wheel.
  • Using two fingers on your touchpad.
  • Zoom-extend by…
    • Double-clicking on the Object’s body in the Viewport itself.
    • Or double-clicking on the Object’s name in the Scene Objects list. Zoom in and out
  • Or select your Object, and go to TOP MENU > Viewport > Object Focus

Switch to another Point Of View (POV)

The Perspective dropdown menu allows to quickly look through our list of POVs.

Move viewport perspective overview Move viewport perspective overview

Camera from view = create a Camera from your current POV. This may come in handy as you may save a specific POV to come back to it later. All new Cameras will appear in the Scene Objects panel.

If needed, you can adjust very precisely the Position (and Target Point) of your Perspective POV (or any Orthographic Camera). Just go to Camera Settings.

Viewport camera settings Viewport camera settings

FOV = Zoom-in / out perfectly along the Target axis.


Mapping Matter offers a quick & easy way to customize Parametric Objects. No need for advanced 3D skills.

Create a Primitive

Each type of Primitive has its own parameters to play with (Width, Height, Depth, Radius, Segments, etc).

TOP MENU > Primitives

Primitives overview 2 Primitives overview

Customize a Primitive

Select it. Go to its Properties, and into the GEOMETRY section.

EXAMPLE 1: Build a Circular Wall with a Cylinder Primitive

Primitive cyclinder circular wall Primitive cyclinder circular wall

Segments = higher values increase the resolution of the Primitive.

Theta = the angle of definition.

EXAMPLE 2: Build a semi-Dome with a Sphere Primitive

Primitive spheric half dome Primitive spheric half dome

Phi & Theta = the angles of definition for a Sphere.

Select / Sort / Rename / Delete / Hide / Lock an Object


When you create an Object in your Scene, it will be listed in the Scene Objects panel.

Scene objects list Scene objects list

You can select an Object by clicking on its body in the Viewport, or through the Scene Objects list. Hold Ctrl to select many Objects.

Rename an Object

Select your Object in the Scene Objects panel.

Open the Properties panel, and edit its name in the textbox.

Delete an Object

Select it. And delete it…

by pressing Delete (PC) or Fn+Delete (Mac) on your keyboard,

or through TOP MENU > Edit > Delete

Imported 3D Asset’s sub-Objects cannot be deleted. However, you can hide them.

Hide / Show any Object of your Scene

You will find this option in the Scene Objects panel.

Tick the box to make it visible.

Scene objects list

Lock the properties of any Object in your Scene

Tick the box to lock it.

Scene object locked Scene object locked

Move (or Duplicate) an Object

An Object’s Position will be calculated from its Center Point, which appears as a diamond-shaped indicator.

Centre point Centre point

If you simply want to duplicate an Object, one way is to copy-paste it.

Select it.

Use Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V to have duplicated in any position.

Or go to TOP MENU > Edit > Clone to have it duplicated in the exact same position.

Using the Movement Gizmo in the Viewport

Hold-click on any axis vector and drag your cursor.

Move dup object axis Move dup object axis

Or click once on any axis vector, type a World Position value in the input box, and press Enter.

Move duplicate axis value Move duplicate axis value

Using coordinates in the properties panel

Hold-click on the input box of any coordinate and drag your cursor.

Move duplicate axis drag input box Move duplicate axis drag input box

Or type-in a specific value and press Enter

Using two reference points

One to move from + one to move to.

Move from to - select object Move from to - select object

Select an Object, and click on its Center Point.

If you want to duplicate it, just click here.

Move duplicate ref duplicate Move duplicate ref duplicate

Click on a reference point to move from, and then another to move to.

Use the SNAP Tool to select a reference point more accurately in your Scene. This window will pop up automatically.

When neither Bounding Box or Vertex are enabled, the Red dot will appear at any intersection between the surface and your cursor.

Scene object locked Scene object locked_

Move an Object A in orbit of an Object B

Here’s a tutorial on how to set up a Pivot Point.

Rotate an Object

Select an Object. (Or many, holding Ctrl)

Press R on your keyboard to see the Rotation Gizmo.

Hold-click on any axis curve, and drag your cursor to adjust.

Rotate basic Rotate basic

Or click once on any axis curve, and type in a specific angle rotation value.

Rotate box Rotate box”

Press M to get back to the Movement Gizmo.


The Material of an Object refers to the characteristics of its surface. This has an impact on its appearance, reflectivity, and texture mapping.

Material overview Material overview

Select your Object.

You can also select an individal (sub-Object) mesh from an Imported 3D Asset. Just select your Asset, click on Edit Reference, and select any mesh in the Scene Objects list.

Import 3D edit reference meshes

Go to its Properties, in the MATERIAL section.

Apply Gain

Gain = The gain ratio represents how much light is reflected by any given surface, compared to the light reflected from a standard white (magnesium oxide) board. A ratio of 1.0 will reflect the same amount of light as that of white board. Whereas a gray board with a 0.5 rating would reflect only 50% of the Light falling on.

This has an incidence in the Photometric Analysis mode, on the Luminance values

Apply Color

The brighter the selected color, the higher its reflectivity.

This has an incidence in the Photometric Analysis mode, on the Luminance values.

Apply Base Map

The Base Map tool allows you to map (or “wrap”) an Image (or Video) onto the surface of a 3D mesh Object.

Go to Base Map and click in the framebox to open the Texture Library.

Material base map open texture Material base map open texture

To learn how to use the Texture Library, click here.

Adjust the placement of your Texture with the Map repeat and Map offset ratios.

Material repeat offset Material repeat offset

After you’ve selected an Image, you can remove it by clicking on the Trash icon.

Material base map trash icon

Material luminance Material luminance_

Apply a Projection Map (Projection Texture)

The Projection Map tool allows you to map (or “wrap”) an Image (or Video) onto the surface of a 3D mesh Object.

The Base Map represents the intrinsic appearance of an Object.

Whereas the Projection Map represents a projected Texture onto the surface of an Object. By default, it won’t be visible in the Viewport. It will have to be “revealed”. Either by a Projector in Reverse Mapping mode, or using the Projection Texture tool.

Go to Projection Map and click in the framebox to open the Texture Library.

Projection map framebox Projection map framebox

To learn how to use the Texture Library, click here

After you’ve selected an Image, you can remove it by clicking on the Trash icon.

Use Side to make it transparent


First, make sure Global Material Override is disabled.

Go to Viewport Settings, and tick off the Double Side option.

Also note that it will only work with 1-face meshes (e.g. it won’t work with a double wall).

Select an Object. Go to its Properties, and to the MATERIAL section.

Use Side to make it transparent Use Side to make it transparent_

Back = opacity prevents us to see through the surface.

Front = we can see through the surface.

Double = what appears on one side also appears on the other

Use Wireframe to make it transparent

Wireframe =visual representation of a Mesh Object, only showing its vertices

Material gauze Material gauze

Parent Child Hierarchy

Parent - child Parent - child

The Position of an Object is calculated in function of the Center Point of its Parent Object.

By default, each new Object is the Child of the Scene itself.

To change the Hierarchy between Objects :

Select your Object, go to its Properties, and to the Parent dropdown menu.


Parent - child hierarchy

Here both Sphere 1 and Box 1 have the coordinates (X=1, Y=0, Z=0). But Sphere 1 is positioned in function of its Parent the Scene (C), 1 meter away on the X axis. And Box 1 is 1 meter away from its Parent Sphere 1.

Arrays and Symmetries

These tools offer an easy, quick, and accurate way of creating large Object / Projector layouts in your Scene.


Array = an immaterial Object which duplicates its Children into dummy Clones, either following a linear or a polar sequence.

Symmetry = an immaterial Object which duplicates its Children into dummy Clones, following a symmetric sequence.

Dummy = fake, visual only, not listed in Scene Objects, with no individual Propertie

Create a Linear Array

Parent - child hierarchy Parent - child hierarchy

TOP MENU : Array/Sym. > Array

The Array will appear as an Object, Child of your Scene, at (0, 0, 0).

Select the Object you want to lay out.

In the Properties panel, make the Object a Child of the Array.

Customize the Linear Array parameters.

Number = the total amount of Objects in the Array = original + dummies

Separation = the distance between each Object in the Linear Array

Create a Polar Array

Parent - child hierarchy Parent - child hierarchy

TOP MENU : Array/Sym. > Array Polar

The Array will appear as an Object, Child of your Scene, at (0, 0, 0).

Select the Object you want to lay out.

In the Properties panel, make the Object a Child of the Array.

Customize the Polar Array parameters.

Number = the total amount of Objects in the Array = original + dummies

Angle = the angle of distribution for all Objects in a Polar Array.

Array polar angle Array polar angle

By default, a Full 360° angle distributes all Objects on a whole circle. But with a 180° input value, the distribution is limited on a 180° angle (half a circle). All Objects are automatically set equidistant to each other.

Create a Symmetry

Array symmetry Array symmetry

TOP MENU : Array/Sym. > Symmetry

The Symmetry will appear as an Object, Child of your Scene, at (0, 0, 0).

Select the Object you want to lay out.

In the Properties panel, make the Object a Child of the Symmetry.

Now our Object has a symmetric dummy along the X axis of our Symmetry.

The axis of symmetry is the Y axis. This is illustrated by a transparent yellow plane, which appears when the Symmetry Object is selected.

Array symmetry plane reference Array symmetry plane reference

All modifications to our Object will be replicated immediately to its dummy.

Convert your dummy Objects into regular Objects

This will allow you to make individual modifications to your ex-dummy Objects.

You’ll find each of them in the Scene Objects panel.

Select your original Object.

Go to the Properties panel.

In the Array (or Symmetry) section, hit the Bake command.

Array symmetry bake Array symmetry bake

Annotations and Dimensions

The Annotations tool allows you to create a bodyless Object holding Text.

While Dimensions allows you to create a bodyless Object measuring the distance between two given points the Scene.

Annotations, dimensions & tools overview

Create an Annotation or Dimension Object in your Scene

TOP MENU > Tools

Select 1 or 2 Point(s) in your Scene.

1 Point only for Annotations. And 2 Points, from Start to End, for Dimensions.

Edit an Annotation or Dimension

  • Select the Object, from the Scene or the Scene Objects panel.

  • Open the Object’s Properties panel.

Annotations dimensions properties Annotations & dimensions properties