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Setup Audio Output

Output devices

Disguise offers the ability to patch timeline audio to various devices with flexibility.

  • Patching can be done per machine on a d3Net setup.
  • Particular patches can be monitored on local headphones/speakers.
  • External sound cards are auto-detected and made available to the patch.​


Audio output is managed by the Audio Output Patch Manager, accessible via the Devices menu item.

Audio Patches are essentially ‘virtual slots’ from which you can patch to physical audio for each machine in your Disguise setup. You can have as many Audio Patches as you wish. Each Audio Patch is two channels; a stereo pair.

​Each Audio Patch (columns) can be configured per machine (rows) in the d3Net Manager set up.

Clicking a cell in the table, presents you with the physical stereo pairs available on the machine. Audio output devices listed are auto-detected over d3Net, including external audio devices. If the remote machine is not currently connected, the list is derived from the Machine Type selected in d3Net Manager and will present the outputs of the internal sound device.

If the local machine is not part of a d3Net network, a single row for the local machine will be presented.

Configuration - Step by Step

To configure an Audio Patch follow these steps:

  1. Ensure your audio output device source is connected correctly. (XLR connection etc.)
  2. Right-click devices in the State editor.
  3. Left-click Audio Output Patch.
  4. Create an Audio Patch by pressing the + icon.
  5. Enter a name for the patch and click OK. A new column will have been created in the Audio Patch Manager.
  6. In the cells under the column, use the drop down to select the audio output on the physical audio device you wish to map the audio to.
  7. You can now pipe Video Content Layer audio on the timeline into the Audio Patch which will accordingly output it to the physical audio device output from the mapping.

Working with audio on the timeline

Audio can either be embedded in videos or added in an audio layer to be played back.

If embedded in a Video, then in the Video Layer under Audio, the Output field allows you to select the Audio Patch you wish to output the audio to.

Sample rates

All audio outputs’ sample rates should be set to match that of the content (and conversely, when the output sample rate is fixed the content should be rendered to match).

The currently configured sample rate for the patched audio output is displayed in the Audio Output Patch for each machine.

Below are details of how to change the sample rate on the RME audio interfaces in servers and generic instructions for devices that use the Windows audio settings (which applies for most consumer audio devices). For other professional audio devices, please consult the manufacturer’s documentation.

Changing the sample rate

As of r15.2, changing the sample rate must be done outside of Designer in the RME audio device settings. Pre r15.2, the sample rate is set in Designer audio patch editor.

  1. Right-click on the Hammerfall DSP icon in the System Tray and select Settings.
  2. Select the desired sample rate from the drop down menu.
  3. Right-click on the audio icon in the System Tray and select Playback devices.
  4. Double click on the relevant audio device
  5. On the Advanced tab, select the desired sample rate from the drop-down list.