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Porta Bridge

Porta Bridge is the communication gateway parsing information between Porta and Designer, and other services such as ENPS.

Key features

  • Uses web socket connection (Porta socket server) to communicate with Porta for d3
  • JSON payloads
  • Control d3 Transport API
  • Control d3 Indirections API
  • Supports MOS protocol
  • Production Setup

Commonly loaded on the local machine running d3, but may also exist as a cloud instance for use with ENPS.

  • File

    • New Config
    • Open Config
    • Save
    • Save As
  • Window

    • Porta
    • MOS
    • D3
    • GPI
  • Help

    • Open Logs
    • Porta Bridge Help
    • Version x.x.x.x

Porta Bridge D3 Connection

  • Socket Server URL : Location of the Socket Server. This can be found by Clicking File->My Account, on the My Account page click Integrations and click on where it says Socket Server.
  • Channel Name for Porta: This can be any channel name it will be what you select when making new Porta Pages on Porta.
  • D3 IP Address: This is the location of the D3 instance that is running.
  • Port(Not Required): Port location if needed 80 if not used.
  • D3 Project Path: The location of the D3 Project Path not the projects it self. Should end with \d3 Projects the Default location is Documents\d3 Projects
  • Share Drive Location: The location of a share drive that stores images that can be added to D3 via Porta Pages

Porta Bridge d3 Connection Configuration

API Calls

/getsharePath - returns the path for the share drive

/getShareFiles - Returns all the media within the set shared drive

/getDownloadPercent - gets the percent of the currently downloading file

/getFileSize - get the size of the given file

/uploadMedia - Upload the given media to the given location

/uploadSharedMedia - upload media from shared drive location to given location

/getProjectPath - Gets the Set project path

/getProjects - get a list of projects from the set project path


  • Both D3 and Porta indicators should be GREEN - RED indicates an issue with connection.
  • Ensure the Disguise project is running BEFORE starting D3 connector
  • The Designer active project is the expected project for Porta’s selected page/template/channel
  • Check that the Designer API homescreen can be reached from PX via IP address in Chrome.
  • Bridge API URL is http://XXX.XXX.XX.XXX:8000 where XXX.XXX.XX.XXX is the current PX’s IPv4 address, and 8000 is the port.
  • In Porta’s menu under Window > Settings > Channels, ensure the correct channels are listed. If not, use the sync button in the channel panel. In Porta’s menu under Window > Settings > Preference, ensure Enable Play Groups and Enable play group sequence are enabled.


Porta Bridge is the application that connects Porta on Prem to the Disguise system.

It has the following responsibilities:

  • Integrate with the Disguise Designer API on the media servers such as gx 3, interfacing between them and Porta on Prem
  • Handles API connections to Designer when during Failover.
  • Porta Bridge detects failover over and connects to the new Director as needed.
  • Performs content ingestion, copying media to the Disguise systems as requested by Porta on Prem, from the specified remote media location.
  • Performs automatic media deletion, removing media that was ingested by Designer older than a certain age.
  • Porta bridge communicates with the Disguise systems over the configured API port in Manager on the Disguise Systems, the default port is 80.

Further information