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Getting Started

Demo Unreal Project

Demo Unreal Project

This is a simple Unreal project, demonstrating some of the key RenderStream features for r19

Demo Unreal Project - 640MB

Demo Notch Project

Demo Notch Project

This is a virtual studio environment build in Notch, with backplate and AR objects.

Demo Notch Project - 70MB

Unreal Switchboard Plugin

Unreal Switchboard Plugin

This is a plug-in built for the Unreal Switchboard, which can trigger the Shot Recorder when takes are triggered within that system. The Unreal Switchboard plug-in is needed in order to perform a shot record when the take button in the switchboard is activated.

Unreal Switchboard Plugin - 4KB


TouchOSC layout

Touch OSC layout

Control the Disguise production toolkit with TouchOSC. Android and Apple compatible.

Download - 5KB

TouchOSC editor

Touch OSC layout

Create OSC layouts for TouchOSC. Windows and Mac OS compatible.

Download - 3MB

GrandMA2 timeline personality

Touch OSC layout

Other GrandMA2 personalities can be generated from within Designer, except this one.


Bitfocus Companion

Touch OSC layout

Bitfocus Companion enables the Elgato Streamdeck to be a professional shotbox surface for a huge amount of different presentation switchers, video playback software and broadcast equipment.

Download - Refer to website for download size

Content tools and codecs

HAP Adobe CC plugin

HAP Adobe CC plugin

With Apple dropping support for Quicktime for Windows, and Adobe following suit in its CC 2018 production suite, the video production community is losing the use of one of its much relied-upon tools. To help pass this hurdle, Disguise has sponsored development of a new stand-alone plugin. Please note, embedded audio cannot be rendered in this codec.

Download - Refer to website for download size

HAP Codec

HAP QT Codec

Hap QuickTime codec, version 12. For Mac and Windows.

Download - 1.5MB

After Codecs

After Codecs

After Effects, Premiere Pro and Adobe Media Encoder native exporters bringing you ProRes / H264 / H265 / HAP codecs for excellent quality and lightweight videos, on Windows and OSX.




NotchLC was created to be a GPU-powered codec that provided the quality needed to be an intermediary codec as well as the performance required to be a playback codec. It brings the equivalent of 10bit accuracy in a scrubbable codec (with 12bit of Luma data) that is extremely fast to encode and decode, with a compression ratio of 8:1 to 4:1.

Download NotchLC for Adobe or for QuickTime & AVI

IP-VFC and VFC Firmware




The Vimba installer for Windows provides camera drivers, SDK and the Vimba Viewer application for testing and trouble shooting OmniCal cameras. The Vimba SDK version 2.1.3 works with all releases up to r27.6.

Download - 184B

Read our setup guide

Vimba X

Vimba X

The Vimba X installer for Windows provides camera drivers, SDK and the Vimba X Viewer application for testing and trouble shooting OmniCal cameras. The Vimba X SDK version 2023-04 works with all releases from r27.7 on.

Download - 50.2MB

Read our setup guide
