Supported file formats
Designer supports multiple content formats for Video, Audio, Still image and 3D model files. It is important that these formats are used for optimal performance. Only formats listed here are officially supported.
Video files
Designer supports Quicktime .mov files using the following codecs:
- QuickTime DXV version 2.
Download the DXV codec for Mac or Windows from the Content tools and codecs section of the download centre.
- QuickTime HAP, HAP Alpha and HAP-Q.
Download the HAP codec for Mac or Windows from the Content tools and codecs section of the download centre.
- QuickTime Animation
Filename Tag Issues
Please note that if you use any of the following filename tags, you may encounter issues in Designer. These tags are reserved for media file versioning, and proxy functionality.
Premultiplied vs. straight/matted alpha
Alpha can be rendered into videos and images with subtle differences which can affect how they appear when composited upon output. Premultiplied vs straight alpha will require different blend modes depending on which is used. There is no preference in Designer to either one, but if using content with premultiplied alpha, it should utilize the Premult Alpha blend mode, rather than Alpha, which should be reserved for straight alpha.
Also note that Premult Alpha is usually the only option available when creating fuzzy edges against an alpha background, as the pure alpha workflow requires the colour which is being faded from to be available at full intensity throughout the gradient, while only fading the alpha component. That sort of thing is tricky to create in content creation packages, so falling back on Premult Alpha makes more sense in those cases.
Maximum resolutions of video files and still images
Designer supports video files and still images up to 16384x16384.
For audio embedded in video files:
- Uncompressed
- Stereo 16 bit
- 44.1 KHz. Currently d3 only supports 44.1 KHz, any other frequency will generate an error.
Audio files prior to r14.3
Quantised tracks option 1:
- .mp3
- Stereo 16 bit
- 44.1 KHz, constant bitrate. Currently d3 only supports 44.1 KHz, any other frequency will generate an error.
- 256 Kb/sec is a recommended balance between quality and file size.
Quantised tracks option 2:
- .wav
- Stereo 16 bit
- 44.1 KHz
Quantised tracks option 3:
- .aiff
- Stereo 16 bit
- 44.1 KHz. Currently d3 only supports 44.1 KHz, any other frequency will generate an error.
Audio files after r14.4
These audio file formats can be used on the audio layer.
Uncompressed WAV files with the following properties
- Unsigned 8 bit, Signed 16 bit, 24 bit or 32 bit PCM, 32-bit or 64-bit floating point encoding
- Sample rates up to 192 kHz
- 1 or 2 channels
Uncompressed AIFF files with the following properties
- Unsigned 8 bit, Signed 16 bit, 24 bit or 32 bit PCM, 32-bit or 64-bit floating point encoding
- Sample rates up to 192 kHz
- 1 or 2 channels
MP3 with the following properties
- CBR up to 320kps (variable bit-rate not supported)
- 8 kHz, 11.025kHz, 12kHz, 16kHz, 22.05kHz, 24kHz, 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz sample rates
- Stereo, joint stereo or mono
Audio files after r15.2
These audio file formats can be used on the audio layer.
Uncompressed WAV files with the following properties
- Unsigned 8 bit, Signed 16 bit, 24 bit or 32 bit PCM, 32-bit or 64-bit floating point encoding
- Sample rates up to 192 kHz
Uncompressed AIFF files with the following properties
- Unsigned 8 bit, Signed 16 bit, 24 bit or 32 bit PCM, 32-bit or 64-bit floating point encoding
- Sample rates up to 192 kHz
MP3 with the following properties
- CBR up to 320kps (variable bit-rate not supported)
- 8 kHz, 11.025kHz, 12kHz, 16kHz, 22.05kHz, 24kHz, 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz sample rates
- Stereo, joint stereo or mono
Still images
The still image formats Disguise supports in order of preference:
- .png (supports alpha-channel)
- .jpeg (does not support alpha-channel)
- .bmp (supports alpha-channel)
- .tiff (supports alpha-channel)
- .exr (supports alpha-channel, no support for image sequences)
Image sequences
8-bit and 10bit is supported where applicable. All formats support the use of alpha channel (with the exception of 10bitDPX), and any framerate.
For more information, see Image Sequences.
3D meshes
- .obj files only.
- .obj files used as the mesh file for video screens need to be UV mapped.
- .obj files used as the mesh file for Props do not need to be UV mapped.
Alembic files
In order to better support animating meshes, Designer supports Alembic (.abc) files. Simply bring the file into the project by placing it in the mesh object folder, and select the file where you would have normally selected an OBJ.
Currently supported:
- Xform
- PolyMesh
Not currently supported
- Curves
- Points
- Camera
- SubD
- NuPatches
- FaceSet
- Light
- Material
- Custom data
- Writing Alembic files
- Selecting Alembic objects (e.g meshes) in the stage.