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Designer r15 Release Notes


Download r14.5

Release build: 59085
Released: June 20th 2019


Content Mapping

Content mapped directly to projector incorrectly used both dynamic blend & feather masks.

Video Output

Extremely rare condition when querying display modes causes potential failure on startup.


  • Large audio files may cause the audio layer to stutter as it processes the files. Workarounds:
  • use video files with embedded audio.
  • employ smaller, compressed audio files types such as MP3.
  • or try staggering multiple audio files on the timeline to save overdue, instant demand by multiple files.
  • Potential audio crackles with multiple, multichannel files.
  • Embedded audio in video goes out of sync when video is played in ping-pong mode.
  • Playing to Loop section in Locked mode when section has been resized ignores the section break .

These four have potential fixes identified, but need to go through the process of code review and verification

  • Audio layer may go out of sync from the playhead over a long period of time
  • note: this has been observed only intermittently and is of the order of 15 frames over a 12 hour period
  • Audio does not start again when encountering a new keyframe of the same audio track
  • when the same audio track is sequenced multiple times in the audio layer, it does not start again on the new keyframe as the video layer does


Download r15.2.5

Release build: 56254
Released: March 11th 2019


Download r15.1.8

Release build: 54682
Released: December 11th 2018


Download r15.0.6

Release build: 52148
Released: August 5th, 2018


Download r15

Release build: 50985
Released: June 19th 2018

New features

  • [d3Manager] New mechanism for processing Options.ini and Machine.ini files [Device Control] Support for matrix switching using GVG protocol
  • [Device Control] Support for AJA KUMO Matrix
  • [Feed Outputs] Ability to apply alpha gradients in softedge textures
  • [Layers] Promotion of previously under the hood layer DmxTableScreen to core product status [OSC] Support for multiXY OSC (trackpad) strings for use in layers
  • [Projector Calibration] Greater control of the Wireframe Mesh cleanup angle (previously fixed at 5 degrees between edges) for Projector Config / QuickCal
  • [Video Output] Add mechanisms for improving the usability and safety of Apply Feed Settings
  • [Video Output] Add ability to independently manage GUI EDID emulation in the feed view on pro range machines on dedicated GUI heads
  • [Visualiser] Add diffuse map to screens


  • [Audio] Audio pan now an option (‘Balance’) in the Audio layer [Automation / Encoders] Compensate for Visual Act driver scaling in mm
  • [Automation / Encoders] Improve the best guess solver for Rigid Body with just one or two points [Automation / Encoders] Ignore duplicate data from STSDriver
  • [Blank Project] Auto is now the default method for Quick-Cal, replacing Zhang
  • [d3manager] Provide prompt for users if older firmware or OS image are detected via d3manager [DMX / Artnet] Rename DMX Device’s ‘Speed’ parameter to ‘Rate’ and provide explanatory tooltip
  • [DMX / Artnet] New monitor in Patch Assignments widget that combines the DMX monitor values with the Patch Assignments
  • [DMX / Artnet] Fade Up should be “00..10” rather than “10…20”
  • [DMX / Artnet] Employ consistent Transport State Ranger for Play and Fade Down. Now starts from 11 not 10 as previously
  • [Expressions] New ‘Track Time’ variable available for us in expressions [Expressions] Support for integer arguments for OSC expressions [Feed Visualiser] Project refresh rate settings added to Feed view.
  • [Feed Visualiser] Permit screenshots of the visualiser or individual cameras without showing the accompanying d3 GUI [Feed Visualiser] Throw up an alert instead of notification when a screenshot is exported from the feed view
  • [GUI] Ability to display lens focal length millimetres
  • [GUI] Modify the AnimateCamera default text to ‘Local visualiser instead of ‘None” to avoid confusion [GUI] Employ a thumbnail of placeholder image for logical video in when selecting the video in clip
  • [GUI] Add an indicator that a layer field is keyframed or externally controlled by e.g. Sockpuppet or an expression
  • [GUI] Ability to cycle between the main/root windows in the GUI using CTRL-TAB (forward) and CTRL-SHIFT-TAB (backwards)
  • [GUI] Move MatrixControl layer from Misc to Control section of the layers list
  • [GUI] Provide notification explaining the failure to open Editors while playing a mixed Master [GUI] Machines’ matrix inputs now in an editable list, similar to matrix outputs for each feed [GUI] Mark as read’ and ‘Mark all as read’ options to clear notifications
  • [GUI] Ability to select set list from Active Set List field in d3state tracks list [GUI] Ability to name Camera export screenshots
  • [Keyframe editor] Provide a better indication of the drop location for keyframes editing
  • [Layers] Changes to LegacyVideo layer speed keyframing will incorrectly change to Cubic/Linear to Select when upgrading
  • [Layers] Rename Video layer to LegacyVideo and move to Legacy section; also rename VariableVideo layer to just Video
  • [Layers] Rename layers to better capture their characteristics:
  • AnimateCamera -> AnimateCameraControl
  • AnimateCamera2-> AnimateCameraPreset
  • TargetModule -> TargetControl
  • Target2Module -> TargetPreset
  • [Layers] Web layer custom parameters increased
  • [Layers] Addition of Scale X and Y to Bitmap layer to ease application of gradients [Layers] Include -1 in the Video default range to make it easier to mirror-flip content [Licensing & Security] Update CodeMeter dialogs with Disguise branding
  • [Movie Writer] Make the Open layer enabled by default when in Hold mode [Notch] Accept DMX channel hinting for sockpuppet
  • [Sockpuppet] dmx universe occupancy masked off for transport control to avoid the potential for an overlap in patching [Sockpuppet] Ability to add dummy or placeholder patches into Patch Assignments
  • [Sockpuppet] Ability to Alt drag individual media content to Bank Editor
  • [Stage] Camera bookmarks now include the local visualiser’s orthographic or perspective state [Stage] Allow the user to omit the .obj extension from the filename when performing an obj export
  • [Stage] Notify users when meshes are exported (new export location projectfolder/output/mesh instead of projectfolder/)
  • [Timeline] Play mode not correctly accounted for when playing forward, leading to potential for the next section start to be the previous or current one
  • [Timeline] Rename DVI Matrix Control Layer to MatrixControl to indicate wider matrix control usage [VFC] Emulated EDID labelling to make it easier to identify to the GUI or passthrough outputs [Video Capture] - Multiview video input now available as an additional option for capture input
  • [Video Capture] Potential for “Unable to create video capture stream” notification at startup due to incorrect NDI startup sequence
  • [Video Capture] Ability to sequence capture placeholder video clips in event of signal loss


  • [Audio] Potential playback failure if jumping out and back into a Sockpuppet video layer after removing Audio LineOut
  • [Audio] Edge case of Audio sample rate conversion exception when Slaves and Understudies render frames with the same time
  • [Audio] Mono MP3 files incorrectly play at double speed [Audio] Prevent WASAPI initialisation error on RDP connection
  • [Automation / Encoders] Axis smoothing does not work with wrapped automation axes e.g. turntables
  • [Automation / Encoders] ScreenPositionAxis/Expression incorrectly allow property references to types that are convertible to float, but directly casts to float
  • [Automation / Encoders] Provide ‘None’ as an object in Automation Axis and ScreenPositionExpression for better editing in case of error
  • [Automation / Encoders] When tracked points disappear from stage and reappear, they animate into view [Automation / Encoders] Movement threshold does not work unless prediction is turned on
  • [Automation / Encoders] Duplicate PSN frames are not dropped, but processed [Automation / Encoders] Fixes for automation filtering and interpolation
  • [Blank Project] Exception when deleting processes from the list in Monitor Manager [Camera] DMX lights cones incorrectly displayed when output is at 0
  • [Content Mapping] Unexpected feed maps positioning after project specific manipulation
  • [Content Mapping] Duplicating a feed map incorrectly positions the newly opened editor on top of the track widget [d3manager] Alternate d3manager project library path on a Slave not properly processed until project start [d3manager] Retain highlight on last selected project upon restarting d3manager
  • [d3manager] Remove unnecessary license expiration text from the Trial version of d3manager [Device Control] LightwareMatrix commands may time out due to inefficient queuing
  • [Device Control] Ctrl + z to undo after creating a device causes a ‘recvFrom returned error’
  • [Device Recording] Unable to open media - still copying?’ appears when trying to immediately play back a freshly created device recording
  • [Device Recording] Performance hit with Device Recording across multiple section breaks and beyond those section boundaries
  • [DMX / Artnet] dmx screen RGB -> RGBW colour conversion incorrect
  • [DMX Lights] DmxTableScreen unable to output if it uses more universes than available devices [DMX Lights] DmxTableScreen does not resample the table when reselected
  • [DMX Lights] Lights are rendered black only in Hap exported stage movies, losing their original colouring [DMX Lights] Employing a population mask hides DMX pixel addresses when restarting the project
  • [Expressions] Alt + dragging the horizontal FOV of the visualiser camera to a layer parameter produces a notification while the equivalent typed expression works
  • [Feed Outputs] Feed warps assigned to differing projectors that reference the other may cause black output
  • [Feed Outputs] Hold, Fade Up & Fade Down commands do not pass over on Editors when going between ‘Independent’ and ‘Lock to Master’
  • [Feed Visualiser] The solo’s GUI head is incorrectly placed at the right-most head in its feedscene out of the three [Feed Visualiser] Alt-F for 1:! preview output feeds in feed view not operative
  • [File Management] d3 creates unnecessary empty duplicate folders within the objects directory [GUI] Misreporting of Notch video parameters in some blocks
  • [GUI] Keyframe being affected by ctrl+scroll is not properly telegraphed [GUI] TC tags edited from the set list only get saved when hitting Enter [GUI] Restore mesh export command to the mesh editor widget
  • [GUI] Ensure correct right-click behaviour when selecting a Sockpuppet video clip, both assigned and unassigned [GUI] Anomalous icon on top left corner next to d3State menu when VariableVideo layer editor is open
  • [GUI] Master output brightness and master output volume have both lost their tooltips [GUI] UI dirt visible in some pre r15 video Layers
  • [GUI] Mouse location can lose its bearings when using a secondary display of differing resolution to show the stage view [GUI] Labels’ darkened background is white and obscures the actual label text when over a white colour
  • [GUI] Add a tooltip in the d3Net menu to better explain Master type
  • [GUI] Reported fps is rounded to the nearest 5, producing misleading feedback on 24/48 fps systems
  • [GUI] Changing an Understudy to an Editor by removing it from Master does not update the now Editor’s track UI correctly
  • [GUI] Cue set list does not adapt itself to cater for lengthy notes while editing
  • [GUI] Duplicating a renamed Master Brightness/Volume results in a notification on project restart [GUI] Cleaned up minor visual glitch above the d3State button
  • [Installer] Installer now correctly logs the precise installed version e.g. 15.x.y
  • [Keyframe editor] Upgrading video to variable video incorrectly causes the speed keyframe to be locked in ‘Select’ mode
  • [Keyframe editor] Dragging a new keyframe over another placed at the start of a layer causes the original to be dragged beyond the start
  • [Live Update] An Editor joining a Master in Hold mode, will incorrectly force the Master into Fade up
  • [Machine Roles] Editors can become Masters and lock to themselves after unnecessary hacking of hostnames [Machine Roles] Master is still available as an option to be setup as an understudy or a slave
  • [MIDI] Improved the consistency of MidiNote output
  • [Layers] Improved handling of Web layer for smoother animations
  • [Layers] Blend Mode applied via an open layer would scroll through the different blend modes when trying to keyframe it [Layers] Exception in TimecodeReadout layer if more than one video layer is present
  • [Layers] Bounds check error when deleting keyframes relating to exposed text strings
  • [Layers] None’ as Video or VariableVideo input to blur layer incorrectly blurs the previous frame rather than black zero alpha frame
  • [Layers] TrackJump is ignored when in Hold Output Mode
  • [Layers] Access Violation encountered in min/max Brightness widget after editing other objects [Movie Writer] When Recording a Stage Movie whilst in Feed View, d3 incorrectly records a feed movie of the GUI head [Networking] Network lag can prevent Editors from joining a session without a failed to sync warning being issued [Networking] Ensure that the machine’s IP address is taken from host name resolution instead of Zyre
  • [Notch] Patched Notch layers now have a Timecode section enabling locking to timecode as videos [Package] Files stored in internals/objects that do not have extensions inadvertently get deleted on startup [Package] An exported group loses its arrow assignments on import.
  • [Project Upgrade] Project specific upgrade problem from pre r12 to r15
  • [Projector Calibration] Wireframe view incorrectly ignores z-values so renders parts of a model that should not be seen [Projector Calibration] DSE include/exclude list is not updated to match the type between corresponding projectors [Sockpuppet] Returning to a timecode chasing state from a LoopInframe state will incorrectly offset timecode chase [Sockpuppet] Editing ranges on fields in Sockpuppet does not update the range in the DMX personality
  • [Sockpuppet] A playback delay in Sockpuppet can make Master & Slave drift out of sync [Sockpuppet] No right-click option to open a video clip in Sockpuppet grid and half-size grid
  • [Sockpuppet] Changing camera Inputs using Sockpuppet causes ‘BlueFishThread 1X capture dropped field(s)’ notification
  • [Sockpuppet] Alt-arrow dragging a folder to a slot in Bank Editor places the media in a differing order from that shown in resources
  • [Sockpuppet] Changing play mode from Timecode to Pause causes an incorrect jump to the wrong frame [Sockpuppet] Failure to refresh Bank Editor when modified by an Editor
  • [Sockpuppet] Video information overlay does not appear on Sockpuppeted Video layers [Stage] AnimateCamera does not work during Hold mode
  • [Stage] Unable to draw Projector measurements to vertices on a Projector’s box
  • [Stage] Camera bookmarks do not recall a saved FOV, incorrectly recalling the FOV set in the stage properties menu [Startup] Improve time to quit a project
  • [Timeline] Alt-tab from or to d3 while playing forward causes playhead to incorrectly jump to the end of a track or to last section
  • [Transport Controls] A TC tag at track start followed by a Cue tag one frame causes timecode to stop chasing and ignore timecode
  • [VFC] Notification when changing VFC split mode from Mirror to Quad or Quad 4K
  • [VFC] Black output from legacy Video layer in free-run on project load when content placed at track beginning
  • [Video Capture] Exception when repeatedly capturing and changing signal resolution
  • [Video Capture] Spurious notification when jumping out and back into a video layer with video input
  • [Video Capture] Corrupted output following particular set of steps in assigning 4k video in, replacing mapping with grouping and replacing signal in to capture group
  • [Video Output] Specifying a bad clip rectangle may cause a DirectX exception [Video Output] Notify the user on the detection of passive DP dongles
  • [Video Output] Projector less than 1m away from an object incorrectly render black in the feeds

Current known issues


  • VR entails on additional render overhead
  • This may result in a poor performance

Upgrading 32-bit to 64-bit Sockpuppet shows

  • There may be issues upgrading Sockpuppet projects from 32-bit to 64-bit in 14.4.x builds. If your project falls into this category, please contact who can arrange a project upgrade for you

Permissions error after installing

  • On a small number of machines, a python-based permissions error will prevent software from starting.
  • This issue can be solved by restarting Windows

Potential UI performance regression with long and busy timelines

  • With either long or busy timelines containing e.g. a plethora of notes/cues, the UI may suffer a degradation in performance
  • Minimising the timeline negates this

Slideshows transition time

  • The transition time between slides in slideshows is currently broken
  • The fix for this makes fundamental changes to timeline operations, so will take a while to work its way into future releases


  • [Audio] Potential playback failure if jumping out and back into a Sockpuppet video layer after removing Audio LineOut

  • [Audio] Edge case of Audio sample rate conversion exception when Slaves and Understudies render frames with the same time

  • [Audio] Mono MP3 files incorrectly play at double speed [Audio] Prevent WASAPI initialisation error on RDP connection

  • [Automation / Encoders] Axis smoothing does not work with wrapped automation axes e.g. turntables

  • [Automation / Encoders] ScreenPositionAxis/Expression incorrectly allow property references to types that are convertible to float, but directly casts to float

  • [Automation / Encoders] Provide ‘None’ as an object in Automation Axis and ScreenPositionExpression for better editing in case of error

  • [Automation / Encoders] When tracked points disappear from stage and reappear, they animate into view [Automation / Encoders] Movement threshold does not work unless prediction is turned on

  • [Automation / Encoders] Duplicate PSN frames are not dropped, but processed [Automation / Encoders] Fixes for automation filtering and interpolation

  • [Blank Project] Exception when deleting processes from the list in Monitor Manager [Camera] DMX lights cones incorrectly displayed when output is at 0

  • [Content Mapping] Unexpected feed maps positioning after project specific manipulation

  • [Content Mapping] Duplicating a feed map incorrectly positions the newly opened editor on top of the track widget [d3manager] Alternate d3manager project library path on a Slave not properly processed until project start [d3manager] Retain highlight on last selected project upon restarting d3manager

  • [d3manager] Remove unnecessary license expiration text from the Trial version of d3manager [Device Control] LightwareMatrix commands may time out due to inefficient queuing

  • [Device Control] Ctrl + z to undo after creating a device causes a ‘recvFrom returned error’

  • [Device Recording] Unable to open media - still copying?’ appears when trying to immediately play back a freshly created device recording

  • [Device Recording] Performance hit with Device Recording across multiple section breaks and beyond those section boundaries

  • [DMX / Artnet] dmx screen RGB -> RGBW colour conversion incorrect

  • [DMX Lights] DmxTableScreen unable to output if it uses more universes than available devices [DMX Lights] DmxTableScreen does not resample the table when reselected

  • [DMX Lights] Lights are rendered black only in Hap exported stage movies, losing their original colouring [DMX Lights] Employing a population mask hides DMX pixel addresses when restarting the project

  • [Expressions] Alt + dragging the horizontal FOV of the visualiser camera to a layer parameter produces a notification while the equivalent typed expression works

  • [Feed Outputs] Feed warps assigned to differing projectors that reference the other may cause black output

  • [Feed Outputs] Hold, Fade Up & Fade Down commands do not pass over on Editors when going between ‘Independent’ and ‘Lock to Master’

  • [Feed Visualiser] The solo’s GUI head is incorrectly placed at the right-most head in its feedscene out of the three [Feed Visualiser] Alt-F for 1:! preview output feeds in feed view not operative

  • [File Management] d3 creates unnecessary empty duplicate folders within the objects directory [GUI] Misreporting of Notch video parameters in some blocks

  • [GUI] Keyframe being affected by ctrl+scroll is not properly telegraphed [GUI] TC tags edited from the set list only get saved when hitting Enter [GUI] Restore mesh export command to the mesh editor widget

  • [GUI] Ensure correct right-click behaviour when selecting a Sockpuppet video clip, both assigned and unassigned [GUI] Anomalous icon on top left corner next to d3State menu when VariableVideo layer editor is open

  • [GUI] Master output brightness and master output volume have both lost their tooltips [GUI] UI dirt visible in some pre r15 video Layers

  • [GUI] Mouse location can lose its bearings when using a secondary display of differing resolution to show the stage view [GUI] Labels’ darkened background is white and obscures the actual label text when over a white colour

  • [GUI] Add a tooltip in the d3Net menu to better explain Master type

  • [GUI] Reported fps is rounded to the nearest 5, producing misleading feedback on 24/48 fps systems

  • [GUI] Changing an Understudy to an Editor by removing it from Master does not update the now Editor’s track UI correctly

  • [GUI] Cue set list does not adapt itself to cater for lengthy notes while editing

  • [GUI] Duplicating a renamed Master Brightness/Volume results in a notification on project restart [GUI] Cleaned up minor visual glitch above the d3State button

  • [Installer] Installer now correctly logs the precise installed version e.g. 15.x.y

  • [Keyframe editor] Upgrading video to variable video incorrectly causes the speed keyframe to be locked in ‘Select’ mode

  • [Keyframe editor] Dragging a new keyframe over another placed at the start of a layer causes the original to be dragged beyond the start

  • [Live Update] An Editor joining a Master in Hold mode, will incorrectly force the Master into Fade up

  • [Machine Roles] Editors can become Masters and lock to themselves after unnecessary hacking of hostnames [Machine Roles] Master is still available as an option to be setup as an understudy or a slave

  • [MIDI] Improved the consistency of MidiNote output

  • [Layers] Improved handling of Web layer for smoother animations

  • [Layers] Blend Mode applied via an open layer would scroll through the different blend modes when trying to keyframe it [Layers] Exception in TimecodeReadout layer if more than one video layer is present

  • [Layers] Bounds check error when deleting keyframes relating to exposed text strings

  • [Layers] None’ as Video or VariableVideo input to blur layer incorrectly blurs the previous frame rather than black zero alpha frame-

  • [Layers] TrackJump is ignored when in Hold Output Mode

  • [Layers] Access Violation encountered in min/max Brightness widget after editing other objects

  • [Movie Writer] When Recording a Stage Movie whilst in Feed View, d3 incorrectly records a feed movie of the GUI head [Networking] Network lag can prevent Editors from joining a session without a failed to sync warning being issued [Networking] Ensure that the machine’s IP address is taken from host name resolution instead of Zyre

  • [Notch] Patched Notch layers now have a Timecode section enabling locking to timecode as videos [Package] Files stored in internals/objects that do not have extensions inadvertently get deleted on startup - [Package] An exported group loses its arrow assignments on import.

  • [Project Upgrade] Project specific upgrade problem from pre r12 to r15

  • [Projector Calibration] Wireframe view incorrectly ignores z-values so renders parts of a model that should not be seen [Projector Calibration] DSE include/exclude list is not updated to match the type between corresponding projectors [Sockpuppet] Returning to a timecode chasing state from a LoopInframe state will incorrectly offset timecode chase [Sockpuppet] Editing ranges on fields in Sockpuppet does not update the range in the DMX personality

  • [Sockpuppet] A playback delay in Sockpuppet can make Master & Slave drift out of sync [Sockpuppet] No right-click option to open a video clip in Sockpuppet grid and half-size grid

  • [Sockpuppet] Changing camera Inputs using Sockpuppet causes ‘BlueFishThread 1X capture dropped field(s)’ notification

  • [Sockpuppet] Alt-arrow dragging a folder to a slot in Bank Editor places the media in a differing order from that shown in resources

  • [Sockpuppet] Changing play mode from Timecode to Pause causes an incorrect jump to the wrong frame [Sockpuppet] Failure to refresh Bank Editor when modified by an Editor

  • [Sockpuppet] Video information overlay does not appear on Sockpuppeted Video layers [Stage] AnimateCamera does not work during Hold mode

  • [Stage] Unable to draw Projector measurements to vertices on a Projector’s box

  • [Stage] Camera bookmarks do not recall a saved FOV, incorrectly recalling the FOV set in the stage properties menu [Startup] Improve time to quit a project

  • [Timeline] Alt-tab from or to d3 while playing forward causes playhead to incorrectly jump to the end of a track or to last section

  • [Transport Controls] A TC tag at track start followed by a Cue tag one frame causes timecode to stop chasing and ignore timecode

  • [VFC] Notification when changing VFC split mode from Mirror to Quad or Quad 4K

  • [VFC] Black output from legacy Video layer in free-run on project load when content placed at track beginning

  • [Video Capture] Exception when repeatedly capturing and changing signal resolution.

  • [Video Capture] Spurious notification when jumping out and back into a video layer with video input.

  • [Video Capture] Corrupted output following particular set of steps in assigning 4k video in, replacing mapping with grouping and replacing signal in to capture group.

  • [Video Output] Specifying a bad clip rectangle may cause a DirectX exception [Video Output] Notify the user on the detection of passive DP dongles.

  • [Video Output] Projector less than 1m away from an object incorrectly render black in the feeds.

Current known issues


  • VR entails on additional render overhead
  • This may result in a poor performance

Upgrading 32-bit to 64-bit Sockpuppet shows

  • There may be issues upgrading Sockpuppet projects from 32-bit to 64-bit in 14.4.x builds. If your project falls into this category, please contact who can arrange a project upgrade for you

Permissions error after installing

  • On a small number of machines, a python-based permissions error will prevent software from starting.
  • This issue can be solved by restarting Windows

Potential UI performance regression with long and busy timelines

  • With either long or busy timelines containing e.g. a plethora of notes/cues, the UI may suffer a degradation in performance
  • Minimising the timeline negates this

Slideshows transition time

  • The transition time between slides in slideshows is currently broken
  • The fix for this makes fundamental changes to timeline operations, so will take a while to work its way into future releases

Please contact for feedback and issues