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Parenting objects such as screens, props, and projectors.

It is possible to make a object such as a screen, prop or projector the child of another object. This links the objects together, meaning that if you change the offset and rotation properties of the Parent object, the Child object will also be affected.

How to add a child to a screen

  1. Right-click the screen you want to turn into a parent screen, in this example mother screen. This will open the Screen editor. Notice that stage 1is the parent of the Mother screen.
  2. Under the hierarchy tab, left-click Add Child. This will open up a list of all screens and props in your Stage.
    Parent and child screen
  3. Left-click the screens you want to turn into children of the Parent screen. In this example we have added child screen 1 and child screen 2 as children of the Parent screen mother screen 1.

How to parent the child back to the Stage

  • Under the hierarchy​ tab under the the child screens editor, left-click Parent to Stage. This will bring the child screen back to be parented to the Stage, in this example stage 1.
    Parenting a child screen Parent to Stage property of the Child Screen editor being used to return the Child screens parent back to Stage 1