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Radial mapping

The Radial mapping is similar to the Cylindrical mapping type, except that the content surface runs from the central axis to the cylinder rim, rather than being wrapped around the outside of the cylinder. Any fixtures or pixels inside the cylinder will therefore be mapped according to their height within the cylinder (y coordinate) and their distance from the cylinders axis (x coordinate). Fixtures outside of the cylinder are not affected.

Radial mapping is similar to the Cylindrical mapping, except that the emitter surface runs from the central axis to the cylinder rim, rather than being wrapped around the outside of the cylinder. The pixels inside the cylinder will therefore be mapped according to their height within the cylinder and their distance from the central axis.

Radial mapping example

Radial mapping type is similar to Cylindrical mapping except that the content surface runs from the central axis to the cylinder rim

Creating a Radial Mapping

  1. In your track, create a new visual layer. These layer types can include content layers, generative layers, and effect layers.
  2. Left-click on the layer in the track to open the Layer Editor on the left side of the GUI.
  3. Under the Default tab, left click on the Mapping parameter to display a list of the mappings in the project.
  4. A manager titled mappings will appear – this is a list of all mappings within your project. By default, all screens will be populated with a direct mapping sharing the same name, and all cameras will be populated with a perspective mapping sharing the same name.
  5. Type directly into the New mapping: text field to create a new mapping. A list will appear prompting to you select the mapping type.
  6. An editor with the user assigned name of the mapping will appear once a mapping type is selected.
  7. Assign all screens that will be used for the mapping and enter the resolution of the content that will be displayed on the screens.
  8. Edit the specific properties of the chosen mapping type.
  9. Assign a piece of content to the layer in the track, and the content will be displayed on the assigned screens of the mapping in the stage and the feed output window.

Common Mapping Properties

Radial Mapping Properties


Base point from which the scale of the Radial mapping has its origin.


Position of the Radial mapping based on the centre point of the cylinder.


The size of the Radial mapping. The x and z values represent the diameter of the cylinder.


The x, y, z rotation of the cylinder.