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The Settings window in Porta includes the following:

  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Channels
  • Integrations
  • My Account
  • Preferences
  • Users

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts are shown in Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts. For more information see Keyboard Shortcuts.



Channel functions

  • Sync
  • Default
  • Preview
  • Groups
  • Delete
  • Create new



Porta integrates with the following:

  • API Keys - Porta API Keys
  • Socket Server - Socket Server Configuration
  • Disguise - Disguise templates
  • Ipsum Weather - Ipsum Weather Components
  • Ipsum Sports - Ipsum Sports Components
  • Ipsum Server - Ipsum Server Configuration
  • Google Sheet - Google Sheet Components
  • Google Drive XML - Google Drive XML Components
  • Google OAuth - Google Oauth Credentials
  • Scheduler - Porta Scheduler Widget
  • Motion Design/Avalanche - Avalanche templates

My Account

My Account

Admin user account management

Admin users are able to change the account permissions for individual users and reset passwords from the My Account menu.

Super Admin users are able to manage account permissions and reset passwords for specific users. Super admins are also able to configure Company account information including socket server addresses.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Role - Admin/User
  • User Group*
  • Channel Group*
  • Current Password
  • Password Confirmation
  • Company Name*

* Configurable

Permissions can also be set to allow/not allow users to do the following:

  • Create playlist
  • Create page
  • Play page
  • Continue page
  • Edit page



Edit your preferences

These include:

  • Local Live Preview (Toggle on/off)
  • Porta Theme (Dark mode)
  • Number Page Digits (numeric value)
  • Floating Panels (Toggle on/off)
  • Enable Play Groups (Toggle on/off)
  • Enable play group sequence (Toggle on/off)



User account management

  1. Click the pencil in the Actions column to edit user details.
  2. In the Edit User window you can amend the following user information:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email address
    • Passwords
  3. Press Enter to confirm changes.

Add a new user

This feature is only available to Admins.

  1. Click the Edit icon pencil in the Actions column to edit user details.
  2. In the Edit User window, select the new user icon.
  3. Add the user’s first and last names, email address, role and password.
  4. Click Save.

Add new user

User groups

User group functions

  • Edit
  • Save
  • Update
  • Group
  • Ungroup
  • Remove
  • Display list