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Triggering Cues with OSC

The track on the Timeline can have cues assigned to it, which can then be triggered by incoming OSC messages.

Step 1

To trigger a track bar with OSC, first ensure Designer is setup with an OSC device and an OSC transport. To read more about OSC setup for Disguise, see the Configuring OSC Control page.

Step 2

Create an OSC interface following the example below, which can be downloaded here. This was created in TouchOSC but any application capable of sending OSC is adequate, for example Lemur.

Triggering OSC Cues

The OSC layout above shows three buttons each having an assigned string and argument.

String: d3/showcontrol/


  • button 1 sends a message with float values between 0 and 1,
  • button 2 sends a message with float values between 0 and 2 (shown below),
  • button 3 sends a message with float values between 0 and 3. Triggering OSC Cues

TouchOSC layout with button 2 assigned values 0 and 2 as an argument.

Step 3

Setup the Timeline to receive incoming OSC messages. Assign cues to the track following a format that matches the argument(s) being received. In the example below, three cues were assigned to a track, each corresponding to a different argument.

  • CUE 1 will be triggered by an OSC message sending a single argument value of 1.
  • CUE 2 will be triggered by an OSC message sending a single argument value of 2.
  • CUE 3 will be triggered by an OSC message sending a single argument value of 3.

OS Cues

Cues assigned to a track on the Timeline following three different formats for receiving three different incoming OSC messages.

For more granular control, this can be changed to be /d3/showcontrol/cue=%2,%3,%4. That allows the first number to be cue list, second cue integer and third float. So cuelist 3 cue 4.5 will trigger cue tag 3.4.5

Qlab OSC cue triggering

An OSC message from Qlab can hold multiple arguments, separated by a space. So in Qlab make a generic OSC cue and for it’s string set it to /d3/showcontrol/cue 7 8 9 and this will trigger cue 7.8.9 inside Designer.