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Audio Waveform View

The audio waveform allows users to visualise the audio output of a single layer, a collection of layers or the quantized audio track while working in the keyframe editor. This permits them to add keyframes while taking audio output as a consideration at a glance.

To visualize the audio waveform of one or more layers:

  1. Create one or more audio layers.
  2. Set the audio track of the layer(s). This example uses massive_attack_teardrop.mp3.
  3. Open a keyframe editor.
  4. Right-click in the keyframe editor area to access keyframe Options.

The available options are:

  • Delete keyframes after
  • Delete keyframes before
  • None
  • Layer
  • Combined
  • Quantised
  1. Select one of the following options:

    a. Layer to visualize the waveform of the currently opened layer

    b. Combined to visualize the collective waveform of multiple layers

To visualize the audio waveform of the quantized audio

  1. Add an audio track to the track.
  2. Open a keyframe editor.
  3. Right-click in the keyframe editor area to access the options
  4. Select Show quantised audio waveform to visualize the waveform of the timeline audiotrack.