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Colour Inspector

The Colour Inspector can be opened in various places in Designer to inspect the specific colour values of pixels within an image. It is useful for verifying content and colour workflows.

Colour Inspector


To open the Colour Inspector

The Colour Inspector can be opened from the following places in Designer:

  • Layer Editors: Click the Colour Inspector button in the Default separator.
  • Displays/Cameras/Projectors: Click the Colour Inspector button in the Output separator.
  • Feed Rects: Right-click on the feed rect and click the Colour Inspector button.

Using the Colour Inspector

After opening the Colour Inspector, the following settings can be changed to inspect a pixel’s colour values:

  • Pixel: The coordinates of the pixel which is being inspected. This can be set by clicking on the image preview, or by editing the field to precise coordinate values. The chosen pixel is shown by a circle in the image preview.
  • Pause: Press this button to pause the current video frame so that its pixel values can be inspected.
  • Number format: This can be changed to control how the numeric value of the colour is displayed. Choose between floating-point and 8/10/12 bit options.
  • Colour space: The colour space to measure the pixel values in. This can be chosen from the following options:
    • Working: The current working space.
    • Input/Output: Where available, the relevant input space (e.g. the video clip’s input transform for a video layer) or output space (e.g. the output transform for a display).
    • CIE spaces: Various space colour coordinates defined by CIE standards.
    • Custom: Choose a custom colour space from all available spaces.