Vicon Emulator
Vicon Emulator
The following information will help you configure the Vicon Virtual System with Disguise systems. The Vicon Virtual System will allow you to emulate connections to a live Vicon system.
- Download and install the Shōgun software.
- Download and install the Vicon Virtual System.
- Download the camera calibration sample data package.
Request a license
The Vicon Shōgun Live software requires a license, which can be requested by opening the program and following the instructions for the licensing popup.
Set up the Vicon Virtual System with Disguise
- Open the Vicon Shōgun Live application.
- Open Virtual System and open Camera Data File and select oneof the .x2d files in the
Camera_Tracking_Vero_v22 sample data and click Stream. - In Shōgun, you will see the cameras populate the Vicon Cameras
- In the Camera Calibration panel, open the folder and select
Vero_V22_calibration.xcp file in the sample data
- In the Tracking panel, click Import Subject (highlighted in blue) and select VCam_Vero_V22.vsk from the sample data.
- Click Advanced Parameters (highlighted in yellow) and enable
Track with ObjectTracker (highlighted in pink) in the Props
& Properties panel.
- In d3manager, navigate to Machine Settings > Advanced Machines Settings.
- Click and then insert the cursor in the Name field of a new line and add the command enableVicon. All machines will need this configuring to enable the datastream.
- Click the checkbox to enable it and then click Save.
- In a Designer project, create a Device > Position Receiver.
- Add a ViconDataStreamDriver. The default IP of is suitable for local setups.
- Engage the device.
- Create a camera or a prop and set the Tracking Source to Vicon.