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Feed Level Navigation

Panning the viewport

  • Hold down the mouse scroll wheel and drag.

  • Hold down the Tab key and move the mouse left/right/up/down.

Zooming in and out

Option 1

Scroll the mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/out.

Option 2

  • Hold down the right mouse button and drag the mouse down to to zoom in.

  • Hold down the right mouse button and drag the mouse up to to zoom out.

More options

  • Hit 1 to go to 1:1 zoom level (where each pixel on the monitor is equal to one pixel on the actual output head).

  • Hit F to focus on selected rectangles.

  • Hit A to view all of the Screens and output heads

Toggling between Display heads

Hit Alt-F to view the Feed rectangles in your Display heads pixel-perfectly.

Repeat hitting Alt-F to toggle each display head in pixel-perfect full screen mode in chronological order. This is very useful for when you want to make a pixel-perfect screenshot of the output display. To do so, first toggle to the output display and click Alt-X . You can also export the position and pixel dimension data as a table (readable in for example Excel). For more information please scroll down to the section Export as table in the Feed rectangle editor sub-chapter.

Selecting Feed Rectangles

Select a rectangle

Left-click a rectangle to select a rectangle. When you continue clicking, you uncover more rectangles that may overlay each other.

Selecting multiple rectangles

Working with more than one Feed rectangle at a time is very common. Multi-select the rectangles by holding down the left-mouse button and drag.

Toggling through rectangles

Ctrl -clicking Feed rectangles toggles their selection, allowing you to extend the selection across areas which are not next to one another.