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⚠️ If you use IP-VFC cards, we recommend updating to r29. This will also require a firmware update which you can perform using the IP-VFC firmware updater tool on the Resources page under the VFC Firmware Update tab.

IP-VFC - Update

Check IP-VFC Firmware

  1. Download the IP-VFC firmware updater download tool and latest firmware from here.
  2. Right-click theIPVFCUpdaterGUI powershell script and click Run with powershell.
  3. Click the Kill d3Service, d3Buddy button. Utilities
  4. Click Redetect IPVFC Cards.
  5. Detected IP-VFC cards then appear in the VFC Slots list detailing the serial number as well as the versions of software that the card is running.
  6. If no cards appear in the list but there are cards plugged into the system, wait for at least two minutes and click Redetect IPVFC Cards to populate the list.

Update IP-VFC Firmware

  1. Perform all of the steps in the Check IP-VFC Firmware in the above section.
  2. Click the Select bit file button and select the .bit file from the version you want to install.
  3. Click the Select flashbin file button and select the .flashbin file from the version you want to install.
  4. Check all the boxes next to the cards that you would like to update.
  5. Click the Update button.
  6. Separate powershell windows will then appear with the progress of each cards update.
  7. After approximately 7 minutes the cards will have finished updating and will automatically reboot.
  8. Click Redetect IPVFC Cards and check that all the cards that were updated now display in the list with the correct version (Note: the reboot process takes approximately 2 minutes).
  9. If there were any problems with an update, the logs from each card are stored in the same folder as the updater.