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Welcome to the new Help site!

Why change platform?

The user guide has been in action since 2017. While it has supported our users and internal teams for those 7 years, we are aware that some content has been inconsistent, inaccurate, out of date, or missing. With our legacy platform, the size of the team working on our publicly accessible technical documentation is small, and collaboration tools are limited.

At Disguise, we innovate rapidly and we need our documentation to reflect those changes and support our users.

What’s different?

The new site has been built using an open-source framework called Starlight and is source controlled in GitHub. Starlight is a documentation website framework for Astro which is a framework for generating web applications that can be extended with popular UI frameworks.

Our internal teams can all submit changes by adding a new branch, and then creating a pull request in GitHub. Pull requests require reviewers to approve changes before being merged into the main branch of the repository. Automatic deployment is triggered when new content is pushed to, or merged with, the main production branch. Once the production branch is built, all content is published to the live site.

The new process is faster and allows us to empower our experts across Disguise to collaborate on documentation by either writing, reviewing, or approving new content.

How can I provide feedback?

Please email any feedback to

Created: 1st July 2024