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Exporting .glTF files from Blender

To export from Blender

Go to File > Export > glTF 2.0 (.glb/.gltf)

File Format Variations

The glTF specification identifies different ways the data can be stored.

To export for the Previz platform

Select glTF Binary (.glb)

This produces a single .glb file with all mesh data, image textures, and related information packed into a single binary file.


If you want to export your entire scene make sure that Selected Objects is not checked.


This option should be selected by default. Ensure it is to export your file using the glTF convention, +Y up.


Make sure all options are selected by default.


glTF allows multiple animations per file, with animations targeted to particular objects at time of export. To ensure that an animation is included, either (a) make it the active Action on the object, (b) create a single-strip NLA track, or (c) stash the action.


Only certain types of animation are supported:

  • Keyframe (translation, rotation, scale)
  • Shape keys
  • Armatures / skinning

Animation of other properties, like lights or materials, will be ignored.

Default Options

The following image shows default options for a scene file with cameras, lights and animation included.

Export from Blender