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Media Distribution

The new Media Distribution feature provides a built-in mechanism to easily ensure that the exact required media files are present on each d3 machine involved in a d3 session. There are two parts to the Distribute system:

  1. Sync/copy missing media - copying media used by the d3 project and needed by a machine’s feed mapping.
  2. Delete unused media - removing media that is not used by the d3 project.

To use the Media Distribution feature

  1. On the Director machine, right-click on the d3 menu and select Media Distribution… to open the Media Distribution Widget.
  2. Expand both collapsible widgets to see the details of what media files are missing and unused copies.
  3. Include Mobile Editors is defaulted OFF as they may wish to manage their own files, but the option is available.
  4. Either click on Sync or Delete next to each item to sync or delete individual files on the target machines, or alternatively click Sync All or Delete All to action all the items in the respective tables.
    1. For copying large files, it will display the copy progress as a percentage.
    2. At the end of a copy, it will display the task state as either Success or Failed. For
  5. Click on Clear Finished Tasks above the sync table to remove syncs that completed successfully and reset the status on syncs that failed.