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⚠️ If you use IP-VFC cards, we recommend updating to r29.0 or later. This will also require a firmware update which you can perform using the IP-VFC firmware updater tool on the Resources page under the VFC Firmware Update tab.

IP-VFC ST 2110

In its most basic form, whereas SDI transmits a mixed feed of video, audio, and ancillary unidirectionally, ST 2110 breaks apart each elementary stream of audio, video and ancillary.

This removes the need to transmit and demix the other components not required for that portion of processing, eliminating the need for any additional signaling or cabling and makes redundancy much easier - particularly in large installations.

ST 2110 uses COTS technology within it infrastructure. This enables users to take advantage of the economies of scale of the IT industry, and be able to support any technological advancements made within its infrastructure easier than with baseband SDI.

SMPTE 2110
