The installation of Designer also includes the installation of d3Manager. d3Manager allows users to organise their d3 Projects and launch the Designer application. However, d3Manager is far more than a project management tool and a launcher with many more menu options and settings available for users.
With the introduction of the new Designer licensing changes, d3Manager now shows projects that your licensing type supports. Projects that do not share the same license are greyed out. Designer Starter allows you to open both Starter and Pro files, however will only save projects as .d3starter
. However, Designer Pro does not allow users to open Designer Starter .d3starter projects.
d3Manager functionality
The following menu options are available:
File menu
- Create a new project
- Open the projects folder
- Exit the application.
Edit menu
- Expand or collapse the folders in the project view.
Machine Settings menu
- Enable application mode
- Edit the Advanced Machine Settings
- Access the Advanced Network Configuration settings such as add a custom API http port, and rsync daemon port.
- Advanced Machine Settings allow users to, for example, enable/disable Option Switch Settings.
Language menu
- Select from a language from the list.
Help menu
Quick links:
- User Guide
- Disguise Learn
- Disguise Release Notes
- Open a project in assistance mode
- Open API documentation
- Create a Project diagnostic
- Create a System diagnostic
- Create System diagnostics on selected machines
- Open Bluefish tools folder
- Open Console
- Open Console folder
- d3 Licenses
- Notch Licenses
- Licenses Acknowledgements
- About qt
- About Manager
Designer Licenses
Sign in
Clicking on Sign in opens a browser tab so you can confirm your Disguise Cloud account using a code. This is a Device Confirmation.
Projects tab
- File path of d3 Projects
- Filter projects
- Settings icon
- Add d3 Projects folder
- Remove d3 Projects folder
The contextual menu found by right-clicking a project:
- Open folder
- Advanced project settings
- Set as template for new projects
- Show history
- Rename project
- Duplicate project
- Delete project
The contextual menu found by right-clicking a file:
- Open project
- Open project in solo mode
- Open folder
- Set as current project
- Clear ingestion history
- Rename project
- Duplicate project
- Duplicate project file
- Delete project
- Delete project file
Additional Quick links:
- Run Project [project name]
- Open Project Folder [project folder]
Network tab
- Set Network Adapter
- View machine name (Channel), IP Address, d3 version, Machine type, Status
Plus quick links:
- Install d3 remotely
- Advanced machine settings
In summary, d3Manager lets you do the following things:
- See which version of Designer you’re running in the d3Manager title bar.
- See what projects are installed on your machine.
- See what multi-machine sessions are running on the network.
- See which machines on the network are running Designer and which version they are running.
- Remote install d3 on media servers on the network.
- Navigate quickly to any local project folder.
- Run any local project.
- View the projects folder size.
- Run a local project in assistance mode (for remote diagnostic sessions, for example over Skype).
- Join a multi-user editing session as an editor.
- Create a diagnostic archive (containing the project, non-media files, consoles and telemetry) to send to support@disguise.one