Projector List Overview
The Projector List is a faster way of managing calibration when you have a large number of projectors to work through.
The Projector List
Open the Projector List by hitting Ctrl + P or via the Stage Editor.
Features of the Projector List
Left-click to select which projectors are to be controlled together.
Left-click on a projector name to open its Projector Editor.
Left-click to turn projectors on and off (‘mute’ means ‘faded to black’)
Left-click to lock the projector settings
Output Mode
Left-click to switch the output mode of the projectors.
Left-click on a projector config to open the projection calibration editor (QuickCal).
Source Rectangle
Left-click to jump to the feed source rectangle for that projector in the feed view.
Destination Rectangle
Left-click to jump to the destination (output) rectangle in the feed view.
Final Adjust
Fine-adjust selected projector’s positions in x, y & x axes for last minute adjustments (hold down the Ctrl key for fine control or the shift key for fast control)
Multiple Projector Lists
Everytime you hit Ctrl + P another instance of the projection list is opened. Using the select buttons you can you can filter them differently to aid workflow when using large numbers of projectors.