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Porta On Prem README


Porta On Prem requires the following minimum system configuration:

  • minimum of 3 machines if running database replication.
Operating SystemWindows 10 or 11, 64-bit, Win10 must have minimum update 21H2
Virtualized Operating SystemWSL 2 with Ubuntu 22.04 as default distro
CPUIntel i7 4th Generation (required: CPU with AVX2 support)
Memory8GB RAM


porta Container

  • Role: Porta UI & API
  • Published Ports:
    • 8080 for UI
    • 8000 for API

porta-db Container

  • Role: Porta MySQL Database
  • Published Ports:
    • MySQL Client Ports:
      • 3306 for porta-db
      • 3307 for porta-db-2
      • 3308 for porta-db-3
    • MySQL Replication Ports:
      • 33061 for porta-db
      • 33062 for porta-db-2
      • 33063 for porta-db-3

porta-socket Container

  • Role: Porta WebSocket Relay Server
  • Published Ports: 6001

porta-redis Container

  • Role: Porta Redis Server
  • Published Ports: 6379


Porta On Prem runs three MySQL databases utilizing the MySQL standard Group Replication features.

Database Replication

MySQL Group Replication provides distributed replication with automated coordination between servers in the group. Group replication ensures that the database service is continuously available.

The replication group operates in single-primary mode with automatic primary election, in which only one server accepts writes at a time. In the case of primary failure, the Porta backend will automatically attempt to reconnect to the newly elected primary.

Replication States

Possible values of member_state from performance_schema.replication_group_members

Member StateDescription
ONLINEThe server is an active member of a group and in a fully functioning state.
RECOVERING The server has joined a group and is in the process of becoming
an active member.
OFFLINEThe Group Replication plugin is loaded but the member does not
belong to any group.
This status may briefly occur while a member is joining or rejoining group.
UNREACHABLEThe local failure detector suspects that the member cannot be contacted, because the group’s messages are timing out.
This can happen if a member is disconnected involuntarily.
ERRORThe member is in an error state and is not functioning correctly as a group member.
While a member is joining or rejoining a replication group, its status can be displayed as ERROR before the group completes the compatibility checks and accepts it as a member.

Database Replication Setup

Default Setup

WebSocket Server Failure & Failover

Porta On Prem monitors its connection to the WebSocket server and will automatically attempt to failover to the backup server if the connection is lost.
Primary Failure
Failover to Backup

If the failed server comes back online, it will not replace the active server, but will act as the new “backup” server until the active server fails or otherwise shuts down.
Failed Machine Recovers


Many recovery or monitoring tasks have user-friendly shortcut scripts available, and they will be referenced throughout these documents.

Database Helpers


Location: porta-database

Script NameDescription
view-group-repl-status.batView the database replication group’s member statuses (as reported by this machine)
view-ALL-group-repl-status.batView the database replication group’s member statuses (as reported by EACH machine)
view-database-log.batView this machine’s database logs
follow-database-log.batView this machine’s database logs in real time
view-repl-vars.batView this machine’s database replication variables’ values
view-binlog-events.batView this machine’s database binary log events
view-transactions.batView this machine’s database transactions
view-database-users.batView the registered Porta users in the database

Replication Actions

Location: porta-database/actions

Script NameDescription
bootstrap.batBootstrap this database’s replication
restart-repl.batRestart this database’s replication
START-repl.batStart this database’s replication
STOP-repl.batStop this database’s replication

Backup & Recovery Actions

Location: porta-database/actions

Script NameDescription
create-backup.batCreate a backup of the database
restore-from-backup.batRestore a database from a backup
caution/copy-DB-backup-from-container-to-host.ps1Copy a database backup from the database container to the host machine
caution/copy-DB-backup-into-container-and-restore.ps1Copy a database backup from the host machine into a database container and optionally use it to restore the database

Other Database Actions

Location: porta-database/actions/caution

Script NameDescription
reset.bat ⚠️Reset this database
migrate-or-seed.batMigrate and/or seed the database
set-bootstrap-OFF.batDisable bootstrapping when the database is started (this is the default setting)
Destructive Database Actions

Location: porta-database/actions/caution

Script NameDescription
set-bootstrap-ON.batEnable bootstrapping when the database is started
THIS WILL LEAD TO DATA LOSS if used in a 3 machine setup
transfer/MAIN-TO-BACKUP-transfer-database.batTransfer the database from the main machine to the backup machine.
This will overwrite ALL data in the backup machine’s database. Intended only for use with a 2 machine setup.
transfer/BACKUP-TO-MAIN-transfer-database.batTransfer the database from the backup machine to the main machine.
This will overwrite ALL data in the main machine’s database. Intended only for use with a 2 machine setup.

General Check Helpers

Location: porta-checks

Script NameDescription
view-workers.batView Porta’s server workers
view-failed-jobs.batView Porta’s failed jobs
check-default-connection.batCheck the default database connection cached by Porta
check-env-connections.batCheck the database connections configured in Porta’s environment configuration
check-primary-connection.batCheck the primary database connection being used by Porta
check-version.batCheck the Porta version

Log Viewer Helpers

Location: porta-log-viewers

Script NameDescription
view-laravel-log.batView Porta API’s logs
view-horizon-log.batView Porta’s queue logs
view-tasks-log.batView Porta’s background tasks logs
view-php-errors-log.batView Porta API’s low level error logs
view-server-log.batView Porta’s general server logs
view-socket-log.batView Porta’s socket server logs
view-redis-log.batView Porta’s Redis server logs

Config Viewer Helpers

Location: porta-config-viewers

Script NameDescription
view-api-env.batView the Porta’s API environment configuration file contents
view-app-env.batView the Porta’s UI environment configuration file contents
view-cached-connection.batView the cached default database connection being used by Porta
view-cache-config.batView all cached configurations being used by Porta
view-supervisor-conf.batView the Porta’s supervisord configuration
view-php-conf.batView the Porta’s PHP configuration
view-nginx-conf.batView the Porta’s nginx configuration

System Helpers

Location: porta-run

Script NameDescription
cache-api-config.batCache Porta API’s configuration files
clear-api-cache.batClear Porta API’s cache
rotate-porta-logs.batManually rotate Porta’s system logs
copy-file-from-container.batCopy a file from a running container to the host machine
copy-file-from-stopped container.batCopy a file from a stopped container to the host machine

System Administration Helpers

Location: porta-run/sysadmin

Script NameDescription
fix-crlf.batConvert Windows line endings (CRLF) to Linux line endings (LF) in the given directory
generate-secret.batGenerate a new secret key for Porta’s environment configuration file. This will also cache the API configuration.
❌ migrate-volumes.batObsolete — Migrate the mounted drives to docker volumes in an old version of Porta On Prem
restart-workers.batRestart Porta server workers
restart-container.batRestart a Docker container
stop-container.batStop a Docker container
stop-porta-socket-server.batStop the porta-socket container

Installing Porta On Prem


Installer Logs

Porta installer logs are located in the WSL directory: /home/$USER/porta/logs/installer

You can access these logs in Windows explorer by navigating to one of the following paths (depending on your installation):

  • \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\<USERNAME>\porta\logs\installer
  • \\wsl$\Ubuntu-22.04\home\<USERNAME>\porta\logs\installer
  • \\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04\home\<USERNAME>\porta\logs\installer

Porta UI Logs

The front-end logs can be viewed in the Web Browser console. To access the logs, open the browser’s developer tools (F12) and select the Console tab.

Porta Server and Service Logs

Porta related logs are located within their respective containers. You can view some of these logs by running one of the helpers within the porta-onprem-bundle\porta-helpers\porta-log-viewers folder.

Porta API log

Application Logs

These logs will be the most useful for general debugging and troubleshooting of the Porta API.

  • Helper: view-laravel-log.bat
    • Note: The log filenames will begin with laravel- and be scoped by date, i.e. laravel-YYYY-MM-DD.log

Scheduled/Background Tasks Logs

These consist of scheduled or long-running background tasks like socket server checks, database backups & checks, etc.

  • Helper: view-tasks-log.bat

Queued Tasks Log

These logs are for queued background tasks such as media ingestion and conversion.

  • Helper: view-horizon-log.bat

PHP Error Logs

These logs are for lower level PHP errors and exceptions. These will occur if something goes wrong on the server level, such as a memory error.

  • Helper: view-php-errors-log.bat

General API Server Logs

Logs regarding server processes and services.

  • Helper: view-server-log.bat

Porta Database logs

These logs are for the Porta database server. They will contain information about replication, and other MySQL logs.

  • Helper: porta-onprem-bundle\porta-helpers\porta-database\view-database-log.bat

Porta Socket Server Logs

These logs will contain lots of information about websocket connections and requests passing through the server. Nearly all events and status changes are logged here.

  • Helper: view-socket-log.bat

Redis Server Logs

These logs will almost never be needed unless there is a redis error seen in the socket server or API logs.

  • Helper: view-redis-log.bat

Diagnostics and Monitoring

Full Diagnostic

Run a Porta diagnostic to compile various logs and configuration information into a single archive.

  1. In porta-onprem-bundle’s porta-helpers folder, run the full diagnostic helper by double-clicking on porta-full-diag.bat
  2. The diagnostic will run and create a directory and .tar.gz file in the same folder as the helper script.

Viewing Database Health

A database health dashboard is available at http://<MACHINE-IP>:8000/health. This dashboard displays the results of ongoing database replication health checks.

Viewing Server Workers

Such as those that process the play group sequence (porta-horizon-worker) or run database checks in the background (porta-task-worker)

  • Helper: porta-onprem-bundle\porta-helpers\porta-checks\view-workers.bat
  • Example result:
    Terminal window
    nginx RUNNING pid 7, uptime 0:16:57
    php-fpm RUNNING pid 8, uptime 0:16:57
    porta-task-worker:porta-task-worker_00 RUNNING pid 746, uptime 0:02:57
    porta-task-worker:porta-task-worker_01 RUNNING pid 747, uptime 0:02:57
    porta-horizon-worker:porta-horizon-worker_00 RUNNING pid 732, uptime 0:02:59
    porta-horizon-worker:porta-horizon-worker_01 RUNNING pid 733, uptime 0:02:59

Viewing Queued Tasks

Some heavy-duty tasks, such as media conversion, are queued and run in the background. A minimal UI is available at http://<MACHINE-IP>:8000/horizon to monitor these tasks.

View failed tasks

Viewed failed tasks directly with the helper porta-onprem-bundle\porta-helpers\porta-checks\view-failed-jobs.bat

Socket.IO Admin UI

View the Socket.IO Admin UI at http://<PORTA-MACHINE-IP>:8000/socketio-adminui to monitor the status of the Porta Socket Server. Please contact for the login credentials.

Backups and Restorations

Please refer to the Porta On Prem Backup and Restore Guide for details on how to backup and restore your Porta OnPrem databases.