Multi-User Editing
This topic covers the steps needed for configuring Multi-User editing within an Unreal Engine project.
If a Multi-User Server is configured and running, any additional machine on the same network as the render nodes will be able to run the project in Edit mode and make live changes. Any changes to the project made while there is an active workload will be reflected in real-time.
- Client-Server Live Collaboration
- Real-time Synchronization of Assets
- Lightweight Transaction-based Sync
- Compliments Source Control
- Not necessary to use Source control but is recommended
- Multiple platform Support During Collaboration
- Works over LAN or VPN
- All clients must be using the same Engine build.
- All computers must be on the same LAN or VPN.
- All users must be working on matching project name.
- All users must start with exactly the same content - typically synced from source control.
Configuring Multi-User Editing in a project
- Ensure the Multi-user editing plugin is enabled in the project. Navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Plugins > Multi-User Editing.
- Ensure Enable Multi-User Toolbar Button, Auto Connect and Retry Auto Connect on Error are enabled.
- Set the Default Server URL to the name of the machine that will be running the Multi-User Server (e.g. “rxiii-xxxxx”).
- Set Default Session Name to something unique (e.g. “MUS”).
Configure UDP Messaging
- In Project Settings > UDP Messaging, set the Unicast Endpoint to the network address that will used for the RenderStream pool Preferred Sync Adaptor (preferably the Media network).
Designer Workflow
- Ensure the Preferred Synchronisation Adaptor have been set on all the render nodes to the same network port set in the UDP Messaging setting in Unreal (the Media Network).
- Sync the project to all render nodes.
- Launch the Multi-User Server on the machine specified as the Default Server URL (either launched standalone UnrealMultiUserServer.exe or through the Unreal Editor.
- Start the workload. When the workload is running it will connect to the Multi-User Server.
Changes made in a Multi-user session are not persisted to the project file on the connected Render Server. If a Render Server leaves the session it will have it’s original content and not the changes from the Multi-user session.
You can persist the files while editing using the Revision Control button in the bottom right and clicking Persist Session Changes…
To persist the files once adjustments have been finalised, click the Leave the current session button, Yes on Do you want to persist the changes? and then Persist after reviewing the files to Persist from the session.
Then you can sync the project file to the Render Servers and rejoin the session.
To learn more about Multi-User Editing (MUE) from Epic’s official documentation: (