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Tracks Overview

What is a track?

All disguise sequencing and Timeline information is organised into tracks. Tracks provide a method for organising content and control commands for the show; the entire show may be placed into one track, or can be divided into multiple tracks. Better performance can be expected from dividing long tracks into individual ones.

The Track editor is used to play and edit each tracks within a project, as well as adjust each tracks individual settings like total length, and universal crossfade duration.

The Overview of the Timeline topic explains how to manage and edit the sequencing of individual tracks. Layers of content are placed on the Timeline in each track, which is explained in depth in the [Working with Layers] section.

Multiple tracks can be controlled at once through the use of Multitransports, to better organise content and control layers. More information on the use and creation of Multitransports can be found here.

Using tracks to sequence content to the beat

As described above in the Overview of the Timeline sub-chapter, the Track Player is used to play and edit tracks. This chapter explains how to create, manage and edit tracks. However, what is not discussed are layers and audio files. Layers are placed on the Timeline in the currently active track for Disguise sequencing. This is fully explained in the Working with Layers chapter. Audio files are inserted into a track, enabling content to be sequenced to the beat. For more information please see the Audio chapter.