DMX Machine Control Device
The DMXMachineControl Device allows restart and shutdown commands to be sent to Designer from an external DMX device such as a lighting console.
The DMXMachineControl Device is used for remote shutdown and restart of Disguise machines using DMX commands.
- Create a DMX device from the Device manager as detailed here.
- Create a DMXMachineControl Device .
- Set the Universe & Address values.
- Configure the command & personality ranges to suit personal preference, or use the default settings.
- Export the personality to the lighting console in either .txt or MA2 XML format from the Export tab of the device.
- The exports will be written to the output folder of the project folder.
- Send values from the lighting console to remotely trigger a machine restart or shutdown.
Live Status
Monitors the status of DMX commands being received.
Universe The Universe property defines the Universe number that the commands will come from.
The Channel property defines the Channel number that the commands will come from.
- Shutdown Channel
The Shutdown channel defines which DMX channel will send the shutdown command to the Disguise machine.
- Enable channel
The Enable channel defines which DMX channel will send the Enable command to the Disguise machine, this will allow the command to be triggered.
Command Ranges
Idle range
The Idle range defines the range where no commands are sent to the device.
Restart range
The Restart range defines the range where a machine Restart command will be sent to the device.
Shutdown range
The Shutdown range defines the range where a machine Shutdown command will be sent to the device.
Enable range
The Enable range defines the range where the Enable command will be sent to the device.
- Hold time
The Hold time, specified in seconds, defines how long Designer will wait before acting on a Restart or Shutdown command.
- Show Personality in DMX Chart format
Clicking this button will show the DMX personality for the device inside Designer in plain text format.
- Export Personality in DMX Chart format
Clicking this button will Export the DMX personality for the device, from Designer in plain text format, to the Output folder of the
- Show Personality in grandMA2 format
Clicking this button will show the DMX personality for the device, from Designer in XML format to be used with the grandMA2 lighting console.
- Export Personality in DMX Chart format
Clicking this button will Export the DMX personality for the device, from Designer in XML format, to the Output folder of the ., to be used with the grandMA2 lighting console.