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DMXShare Layer

The DMXShare layer enables you to specify whether you want to:

  • control all DMX channels from
  • control the colour of the DMX fixture only
  • control the position and orientation of the DMX fixture only

The advantage of the DMXShare layer is that in some shows you may want to control lights using both a conventional lighting desk and Designer. For example, Disguise is an extremely useful tool for creating pixel mapping content for the lights using the advanced content mapping system, but also for sequencing lights exactly to the beat by quantising an audio track.

Designer is also very good for controlling the movements of groups of lights. However, lighting desks give you more control over the movement of individual lights and are specialised to control lights very quickly. Based on these facts, there is a requirement to share the control of the lights between Designer and a lighting desk.

DMXShare Layer

DMXShare layer properties


Controls what properties of a DMX fixture should control and output.

Options are:

  • all control all properties of the fixture;
  • colour only control the colour of the fixture only
  • position only control the position and orientation of the fixture only (applies to moving head fixtures).

Enable blackout

Controls whether the DMX fixture/screen is muted (blacked out) from within Designer.

For advice on what hardware to use for merging DMX, please contact the Support team.