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The camera cut control module allows camera switches to be sequenced on the timeline for XR workflows. It takes account of the calibrated delays to ensure that the switch happens on the keyframed beat

The CameraCutControl module is a subclass of the Indirection Control Module. It calculates the total switching delay for any given frame, and uses that to work out when to trigger the indirection change so that it lands on the correct beat. The most complex scenario occurs when modules are rendering at fractional frame rates. Ordinarily switches are not possibly on every frame in this case.

Therefore the CameraCutControl module uses MixedRealitySet::applySwitchRenderOffset to tell the MR set to delay the switch until the correct frame.

CameraCutControl Layer Properties

CameraCutControl Layer


This requires a new HttpControlRequest. When a new HttpControlRequest is created, it has the properties Url, Method, Headers and Body.


The trigger options available are Always and When Playing. Expressions can also be used to extend the functionality.

Creating CameraCutControl commands

To sequence camera switches:

  1. Set up and fully calibrate an XR stage.
  2. Add a SequencedIndirectionController as the camera indirection controller in the MR set.
  3. Add a CameraCutControl module to the timeline.
  4. Select the controller and MR set.
  5. Add keyframes to the Camera property.
