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ExpressionVariables Device

The ExpressionVariables device defines variables for use in expressions which are made available to the vast majority of the locations expressions can be used.

Each ExpressionVariables device is used to define a group of variables. It is expected that the device is used to group the variables to be used for different purposes.

Using the ExpressionVariables device

The device UI

Variables are presented in a list format for editing within the device. Users press the + button to add a new variable, and every row has a - button at the end to remove the variable from the device.

Variables must be named correctly (see variable naming) and have the desired type selected before the desired value for the variable can be entered.

Using variables defined by the device

Variables defined by the ExpressionVariables device are valid for use in devices which appear later (further down) in the device manager devices list, and become invalid if the device is not present in the active device manager. They are available everywhere else that expressions are accepted.