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Creating and removing props

Creating a prop for a venue

  • Right-click stage from the dashboard (bar at the top of the screen). This will open the Stage editor.
  • Right-click venue. This will open up the Props menu which displays a list of all of the active props in the currently active venue.
    Creating a venue

A new project will by default contain one venue called venue 1, which itself will contain one prop called Arena.

  • Left-click +. This will open a Props manager that lists all of your props. It is important to note that the props in this list can be added to either, some, or all of your venues; you do not have to limit a prop to only one venue.

Editing the venue

  • Left-click a prop from the Prop manager to add it to the currently active venue, in this example venue 1. You can now edit the prop.

  • If you wish to create a new prop, type the name of a new prop in the new prop text field and hit Enter. This will create the prop and add it to the currently active venue.

  • Repeat these steps for each prop you wish to add to the currently active venue.

Removing a prop from a venue

  • Left-click and drag a prop , from the prop menu to the - button. This will remove the prop from the prop menu, although the prop itself will not be deleted: it is still listed in the Prop manager. Notice how this change has been updated in the Stage Visualiser.

Editing a venue

Permanently deleting a prop

  • Left-click and drag the prop you want to delete from the Prop manager to trash (represented by a trash-can icon).

Deleting a prop

  • Right-click trash and select empty trash to permanently delete the prop from your stage.

Empty trash