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Porta Designer Integration

When working with Porta and Designer, Designer runs on one local machine and Porta runs in the cloud, or onprem using the same network. Porta Bridge communicates with both of these applications. Porta Bridge can be run on the same machine as Designer, or on any other machine on the same network as Designer.

D3 Connection Configuration

Starting the connection

  1. Click the Porta status icon in the top right and select Start.
  2. Click D3 in the top right and select Start. Once selected, the icon will turn green.

Click each icon again and select Stop to end the connection. The status icon will turn red.

Enter the following information:

  • Channel Name for Porta
  • D3 IP Address
  • D3 Port: 80 (Default)
  • Backup 3 IP Address
  • Backup D3 Port: 80 (Default)
  • D3 Project Path
  • Share Drive Path

Click the checkbox to Enable Auto Start D3

Once connected, you can Test the D3 API or Start the connection.

Porta Connection Configuration

  • Socket Server URL (required for D3 and MOS)
  • Porta Company Token
  • Porta API URL
  • Company #

Find the Socket Server URL

  1. To find the Socket Sever URL, in Porta got to Windows > Settings.
  2. In the Settings panel, select Integrations, then click Socket Server.
  3. Click the copy icon to copy the URL.
  4. Return to Porta Bridge and paste the URL.

Porta Company Token and Porta AI URL

These will be provided by your Porta Administrator.

Testing the connection in Porta

Go to Windows > Settings > Channels and click the refresh button. Here you will see the new Channels that you have created in the D3 Connection Configuration.

The new Channel can be set to Default in the Integrations panel.

You will now be able to create a new Template for Designer in Template Builder. Content in Designer can be triggered using the new Template.