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Setup OSC Transport

To use OSC transport control please follow the steps described below. Please note that if jumping to a specific section in the timeline you need to tag the timeline with a specific cue syntax.

Step 1: Create an OSC device

An OscDevice is created in the same way as any other device type. Please see the earlier sub-chapter Creating devices for step-by-step instructions on how to create a device, and select OscDevice from the menu of different device types. Alternatively, by default d3 contains an OscDevice called osc 1, which can be selected from the Devices manager.

Step 2: Create an OSC transport control event

  1. Right-click transport.
    Transport Manager This will open the transport controls dialog. Transport Manager
  2. Left click on the + button.
  3. Create a new eventtransport.
  4. Select EventTransportOSC from the transport list. OSC Transports

Step 3: Configure OSC Control

A new OSC event transport dialog will open. Remember to select the OSC device you created in step 1. Configure OSC Control

Step 4: Engage OSC Transport Control

To engage OSC transport control, left-click on disengaged in the transport window.

The button will flash green which means that the all transports controls are engaged. alt text