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Generate Content Table

Generate Content Table allows users to export a list of content used in the project.

Generating a content table

  1. Open the track manager by left-clicking Track from the dashboard.
  2. Right-click the All box (or whichever box you wish to export a table of). Generating a content table
  3. Click the Generate content table option.
  4. A notification will appear upon successful generation of the content table.

Generating a content table

Viewing a content table

The content table is written as a text file (.txt) to a newly created Table folder inside the Objects folder of the project.

Open your project folder by navigating through the windows file structure to its location.

For more information see Project structure.

  1. Open the Objects folder.
  2. Open the Table folder. Viewing a content table
  3. Open the newly created .txt file in the Table folder. Viewing a content table