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Network Status Widget

The Network Status widget monitors the status of the d3Net network, including RenderStream status and machine health.

The Network Status widget opens automatically when d3Net is configured.

Network Status Widget properties

Network Status Widget properties Network Status Widget

Send Transport Commands

Toggles the ability for machines to start/stop playback on the tracks of other machines.

Editors Allowed

Toggles whether editors are allowed to join the session. It will not effect editors that are already in session.


Lists all machines actively connected to the session and all actors and understudies specified in the d3net manager GUI even if they are offline. Each machine has 4 status icons which tell you about the status of that machine

Machine Status Icons

The Network Status Widget includes colour-coded status icons that indicate the status of the following for each machine (Icons listed in order from left to right):

  • Network Status
  • Devices Status
  • Genlock Status
  • Video Output Status

The Network, Genlock and Output icons are shown again at the top of the session widget at all times. These icons at the top summarise the statuses of all the machines.

Network session r21 Highlighted Machine Status Icons

These icons can be several colours which each represent the status of that aspect of the machine.

The colours are:

  • Green: OK
  • Orange: Warning
  • Red: Error
  • Blue: Busy
  • Grey: Offline

The colour of the status icon is determined by the most important status of all the sub-statuses associated with that status icon.

You can hover over each status icon to see details of each sub-status that determines the colour of the status icon.

Network status icon

The network status icon indicates whether the machines can communicate with one another correctly over the network. It’s colour is determined by up to 4 different sub-statuses:

Live update status:

This is the mechanism by which machines keep each other up-to-date with changes to the project file. The options it can have are:

ConnectedLive update is running normally on this machine.
DirectorLive update is running normally on this machine, and it’s the director.
Not ConnectedLive update has been intentionally disconnected. This is typically due to failover.
BlockedThis machine is unable to receive Live update changes; this could be due to a network error or due to a logic error in Designer (this state will also be accompanied by a large pop-up)
Director - BlockedThis machine is unable to receive Live update changes and it is the director, so no machines will be able to communicate live update changes.

Project sync status:

When Designer launches, the project is automatically copied from the director to all other machines. This can be in one of 4 states:

SucceededProject sync completed successfully.
Not AttemptedProject sync has not been initiated, but the machine is launching. This can be because project sync has been disabled with the isSyncProjectFromDirectorDisabled option switch.
FailedProject sync has not been initiated, but the machine is launching. This can be because project sync has been disabled with the isSyncProjectFromDirectorDisabled option switch.
In ProgressProject sync is actively happening.

Transport control status:

This is the mechanism by which the playheads across multiple machines are kept in-sync with each other. This can be in one of 3 states:

In syncTransport commands are being received regularly (at least once every 1/4 second).
LateTransport commands are being received intermittently (at least once every second). This could indicate a network issue.
Out of syncTransport commands have not been received for over 1 second. This could indicate a serious network issue or disconnect.

Remote status:

This indicates if all the other statuses have been updated recently for this machine or if you’re looking at old data.

Up to dateThe status you’re looking at was updated in the last 2 seconds.
StaleThe status you’re looking at was updated in the last 5 seconds.
InvalidThe status you’re looking at has never been updated.
OfflineThe status you’re looking at was last updated more than 5 seconds ago.

Devices status icon

When the machine has started up, the devices status icon reflects whether or not each device capable of receiving data over the network is actively receiving that data. Mousing over the icon will list the devices and their statuses.

Each device configured to receive data has 2 possible statuses:

ReceivingThis device is actively receiving data.
IdleThis device has not received data recently.

Genlock status icon

The genlock status icon represents whether genlock is applied working correctly on each server. This has 4 possible statuses:

OKGenlock is present and all connected outputs are genlocked.
Present, Not in useGenlock is present but it is not all connected outputs have genlocked correctly, or genlock has not yet been applied.
Not presentA genlock signal cannot be detected.
Not supportedThis machine does not support genlock (typical of editor laptops).
Output status icon

The output status icon represents that status of your outputs from each server. It’s colour is determined by up to 4 different sub-statuses:

Framelock: Whether or not the outputs of the machine are in-sync with each other.

OKAll output heads are presenting frames in sync with each other.
Out of syncOutputs on the same machine are being presented at least more than 2ms out of sync with each other. This can be caused by genlock problems, outputs of differing resolution or other GPU issues.

Settings: Advanced project or machine settings which affect video output.

OKNo advanced project or machine settings that affect outputs are set.
Application windowuseApplicationWindow is enabled. Outputs will not be in-sync and may not appear the way you expect.
Max heads limitedmaxHeads is set to a value > 0. Some output heads may be disabled.
Windowed modeisWindowed is enabled which means Designer won’t be able to take Fullscreen which is required for synchronized outputs.

Status: When applying feeds the output icon is unreliable until the apply feeds process has completed, so it will turn blue.

Applying Feed SettingsFeed settings are currently being applied.

GUI: Whether the GUI is enabled or disabled on the machine. This is useful for troubleshooting performance problems on actors that should have their GUIs turned off.

GUI OffThe GUI is disabled.
The GUI is enabled. On an actor this will appear Orange, on other machines this will appear Green.

RenderStream machines

Lists all render nodes visible to the session over d3net.

RenderStream Workload

Lists each RenderStream workload that this session has started and their current statuses.


Actions let you control all the machines in your session at once.