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Venues and Overview

What is a venue?

A stage can contain multiple venues. This is useful if you wish to create a range of stage designs, each venue representing a different stage design option, allowing you to quickly change from one design to another (during a client meeting for example). When you create a new project there is already one venue prepared called venue 1. It only contains one prop called Arena.

What is a prop?

The venues are constructed from props. Props are objects which form the building blocks of your venue. A new project will by default contain a series of props contained in the Mesh object library. These props consist of a range of different buildings, a 3D man and a 3D woman.

Props are .obj meshes. If you want to use a prop other than the standard props available in Designer, you can import this prop. Please see the Mesh section within the Editing props sub-chapter for information on how to import a prop mesh into the software.