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Removing Media Files

How do I remove media files from my project?

Media can be removed from a project at the Windows level directly from the VideoFiles folder within your Project folder .

Object folder

Once media has been removed from a project using this method, any layer within the project that is referencing the content that was removed will now appear red in the timeline:

Missing media timeline

To remove missing media from a project, follow these steps:

  1. Open a layer that is referencing missing media Missing media layer
  2. Left-click on the Video thumbnail in the Media tab of the layer to open the VideoClip library Missing clips
  3. Right-click on the ‘missing’ box at the top of the videoclips library window Missing media box
  4. Left-click on Remove Missing Resources. All missing media that is not referenced in any layer within the project will be removed from the VideoClips library.
  5. If missing media is not removed from the VideoClips library at this point, this means that the clip is being referenced elsewhere in the project. Right-click on the red box for that media, and then left click on Find Usage to locate the instances where the media is still being referenced in the project. Media find usage