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Sockpuppet Personality editor

The Sockpuppet personality editor is a feature of Designer that allows users to edit the default personality of a patched layer.

It’s important to note that currently, the functionality is limited to patched layers and you cannot store a custom personality for use with other layers of the same type.

The functionality is useful for setting 16-bit control of some control channels, as well as removing parameters from the personality.

Accessing & using the personality editor

  1. Patch a layer as specified in the patch assignments topic.
  2. Right-click the patched layer in the patch assignments widget.

Patch assignments widget

  1. In the DMX Patch Settings widget, right-click the DmxPersonality object.

DMX Patch Settings

The personality editor will open. You can now edit values in the editor which will be stored to the personality in use for that layer.

Sockpuppet Personality editor Use the actions tab to show or export the personality in either text or grandMA2 format.

  1. Editing and creating a custom DMX personality: Removing channels

Channels can be removed from a personality as well to create a custom DMX profile. Right-click on the empty space between a column in the DMXPersonality editor and select Remove Properties.

Removing DMX channels

Creating a custom DMX personality

The Channel Offset, Display Name, Group Name, and Min/Max/Default Values can also be customized in this editor and exported.