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What's New in r21

New Colour Workflow Tools

We have added a number of colour tools to Designer including:

  • Histogram
  • Vectorscopes
  • Waveform/RGB Parade

New Usability features

RenderStream UI

RenderStream has been used on some of the largest shows on the planet, which has led to a host of stability and performance improvements and to help push its capabilities further.

Notes Tool

We have created a notepad tool within Designer. These notes can be stickied to specific parts of the project - for example, a note in the feed view to tell the operator to check specific things, or a warning note to not do something.

New Keyboard Shortcuts

  • A new shortcut to bring up the layer library to import Superlayers: CTRL + SHIFT + L.
  • The ‘esc’ key is now used to close the current active/focused widget, and SHIFT + ESC closes all.
  • A new shortcut lets you quit all machines in the session without asking for a confirmation: SHIFT + ESC + ENTER.
  • Layers can now be cut and pasted into another section of a track.
  • A new shortcut to rename selected layers: CTRL + R.
  • A new Search Function is now available in the keyboard shortcut widget (F1)

UI improvements

  • UI Transparency settings have been relocated to d3State->Project Settings options.
  • A new ‘Autosaving’ indicator with a 5 second countdown has been added in the bottom right hand corner above the timeline.
  • Improved Network Status widget indicators give a broader indication of machine status as well as allowing you to monitor the Genlock status while in stage view

Colour workflow improvements

ACES 1.3 Implementation

  • A new dropdown named “Utility” has been added to the ACES transform widgets for input transforms and output transforms.
  • Spatial maps are now assignable within the AnimateObjectPreset layer.
  • Colour decision list (CDL) files - a format developed by the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) - can now be imported and exported
  • Expanded LUT file support including ID Luts
  • Linear Exposure and Gamma Controls available on a layer in ACES mode
  • Colour Dropper Tool has been added to the Colour Picker in Stage->Ambient Colour

xR Workflow improvements

  • A new ClusterAssigner type that automatically generates multiple default ClusterAssigners based on the most common use cases.
  • Overscan in xR is used to compensate for both lens distortion and image reprojection and in r21 has been separated to improve performance

RenderStream Workflow improvements

  • Remotely install or update Unreal Engine on all rx machines in a cluster from a single PC over a network, ensuring that updates can be completed much easier
  • The pre-compiled ShaderCache has been moved into the project folder so that it is available on all machines in the session.

Feed Scene improvements

  • New tooltips for the feed rectangle buttons, visible when hovering the mouse over the button.
  • A new EDID Emulation method: ‘Always’.
  • The current output chroma subsampling information is now visible in the feed scene, which previously were only available in the GPU settings.
  • Warp points can now be added to the output so that users can see exactly which part of the output is being manipulated.

Quality of Life (QoL) improvements

  • The last opened project is now clearly indicated within the d3 manager (Current).
  • For sequencing, we have created a new mode called OnChange in the VideoTrigger layer.
  • Screenshots can now export images to EXR.
  • Export lossless images from:
    • Video inputs - 8 or 10 bit images (16-bit if a layer stack is applied)
    • The compositor - 16-bit floating point images using EXR (before ACES transforms)
    • The feed output - 8 or 10-bit images (after ACES transforms)
  • Gradient Layer and Gradient Texture have an additional interpolation method called ‘Smoothstep’.

Minor Releases


New Features

  • Shot Recorder
  • Virtual Camera workflow improvements

Minor Releases


New Features


Fixes Only, no new features

Minor Releases


New Features

  • Mesh Mapping for RenderStream
  • TrackingMarker Module

Minor Releases

Download the complete r21 Release notes here.