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Kinesys is a motion control system that provides six axes of freedom (x,y,z movement and x,y,z rotation). It sends data over the network to via the UDP protocol.

make sure you are connected to the Kinesys system by network switch or direct. You are likely to experience problems if behind a router or firewall.

Creating a

  • Create a using the steps explained in the Creating a New Motion Controller page. 

  • Create a new Position driver and select Kinesys from the menu of different driver types. This will open the Kinesys driver editor.

Kinesys driver properties

Kinesys driver editor is used to decode the data sent from the Kinesys motion control system to

Multicast address 

This is the engine multicast address from the K2 software.


This is the UDP port used, normally 6061.

  • Outside of , use the Kinesys K2 software to find the engine multicast address and parameter address. If you are familiar with the K2 software, please navigate to the following windows, or contact your Kinesys representative or operator.

The engine multicast address is the address that the K2 software will broadcast the positional data to and can be found in the red box shown below.

Engine Multicast Address is situated in the red rectangle

The parameter address for each construct parameter is the ID tag for each set of data and can be found in the red box shown below.

Parameter Address is situated in the red rectangle

  1. Type the correct engine multicast address value into the Multicast address text field of the Kinesys driver editor.

  2. Create a PositionAxis object for each axis of movement using the steps explained earlier in the Axes page. Insert the K2 parameter address into the PositionAxis ID property text field.

  3. After editing the PositionAxis properties, see the Expressions page.