EX 3 Performance
EX 3 Performance
Video Playback Performance - Full HD
Testing completed on r24 98098
Video playback performance - 4K DCI
Codec | Data Rate (MB/s) | Max. Layers on EX 3 |
UHD HAP 30 | 132 | 15 |
UHD HAP 60> | 264 | 8 |
UHD HAPQ 30 | 261.25 | 8 |
UHD HAPQ 60 | 522.5 | 4 |
UHD Animation 30 | 798.25 | 3 |
UHD Animation 60 | 1596.5 | 1 |
UHD TIFF Sequence 30 | 949 | 3 |
UHD TIFF Sequence 60 | 1898 | 2 |
UHD NotchLC 30 | 331.5 | 6 |
UHD NotchLC 60 | 663 | 3 |
Testing completed on r24 98098
Video playback performance - Uncompressed
Testing completed on r24 98098
Performance specifications listed here outline the maximum amount of video layers that are achievable on a single EX 3. These can fluctuate in future releases.
All HD codecs listed above have an output resolution relevant to Full-HD (1920 x 1080). All UHD codecs listed above have an output resolution relevant to 4K DCI (4096 x 2160).